Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction

The Chosen One Chapter 11

"Timmy where were you?" Tabitha questioned her living doll.

"Timmy out for walk." he tried to cover up where he really was.

"Well just don't get into trouble." Tabitha actually believed him.

"Not everyone in Harmony is stupid." she warned.

"OK." Timmy was glad she was one of those stupid people.


Giles, Willow, and Xandar were all going through their books.

Although they had very little information to go on.

Just the fact that it was a demon.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the scoobies." a British night walker came down the steps.

"You really need to change the password." Xandar told Giles while staring up at Spike.

"What is it Spike?" an aggravated Willow put down her book.

"I know where that girl is." he threw down his ciggratte.

"How do you know, and we don't?" Xandar questioned.

"I have my ways." he walked towards them. "Nice set up you got here." Spike looked around.

"Where is she Spike?" Giles got in his face.

"Hold up. I seem to be needed now." he was playing around.

"Spike, please." Xandar pleaded.

"I never have liked manners." he took a seat.

"Spike tell us." Willow demanded.

"Now that's an attuide I like and love." the vampire put his feet up.

"Where?" Willow disliked him with a strong passion.

"That Youth Center her brother runs." he snickered.

"What's holding her?" Willow demended again.

"Pelblo demon." he responded.

"What?" Giles asked.

"Why don't you use those books of yours, and figure out what I just told you." Spike looked up at him.

He had become so bitter since Buffy died.

Xandar knew him too well.

There was always a limit of information Spike knew.

There was always a limit he had told.

He wouldn't go any further.

"Come on let's get to work." Xandar turned away from the vampire who was already heading for the staris.


Luis cointuned to keep watch.

He was going to find Theresa before those luntics.

She was in major danger, and she problaly didn't even know it.

He had to save her.

Then he noticed the bushes rustling.

It could be her.

He went over to invesgate.

Just then something lunged at him.

It was some sort of thing with a freakisly disfigured face.

Just then it evorated into dust.

Luis looked up.

A pale man with a dark trenchcoat stood before him.

"Be careful at night. No telling how many vamps are running around this town." he warned.

"Who the hell are you?" Luis asked.

"It doesn't even matter if I exist, why would it matter who I am." he shot back.

"I'm a cop buddy, you better answer me." Luis put his guard up.

"That attuide can get you killed. There are powers far above you." he laughed a bit.

"What powers?" Luis asked.

"Why does it matter. If you stay in this town, or even this world, for too much longer you would be dead. Either that or totured. It's not really your choice." he concluded.

"What, is the acolyspe coming?" Luis said in mock fright.

The guy just stood there.

"Oh, I'm so scared." Luis laughed.

"You should be. I mean they do have your little sister. Theresa I believe her name is." The stranger chuckled as Luis's face dropped.

"How do you know about Theresa?" Luis asked.

"I don't. They do." he was acting so mysterious.

"Who is they?" Luis asked.

"Why does it matter? Those scoobies are working on finding her, and I've done far too many good deeds in my time." he replied.

"Who are the scoobies?" Luis demended to know.

"People. That you don't know. That aren't from this 'cheery' little town. People who have probaly saved your life multiple times." the pale stranger started to walk away.

"I want answers." Luis yelled out to him.

"Then find someone willing to give you answers." the man snickered, and walked away.

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