Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction

The Chosen One Chapter 13

"I said, What do you know?" Willow asked the shodows.

"I know what I have heard. Listening only for my ears. Not yours." It responded.

"I didn't think shadows had ears." Willow shot back.

"Everything has ears." It told her.

"What do you know?" Willow went back to her previous question.

"Look. Listen. That's the only way to find out." The mysterious shadow replied.

Willow knew she wasn't getting anywhere.

She slowly turned away.

The colors now spoke.

But it wasn't words.

It wasn't mind reading.

It was something else.

The subconconcious.

She obvisouly heard nothing from the clear spots.

They had no heart.

No soul.

No regrets.

All but one.

The only one that was there.

The one she would listen to.


Xandar carried Willow's body out to the parking lot.

She needed to get to a hospital.

"You!" a noise came from behind the bushes.

"Who was that?" Xandar asked the old English man behind him.

"Certintally not anyone dead." he whispered wondering what was going on.

Just then the voice revealed himself.

It was the cop.

"What do you know about my sister?" he yelled in their faces.

"Look I'll tell you-" but he was cut off by the outraged poiceman standing before him.

"No I think you will tell me now!" Luis got right in his face.

"I've battled worse than you." Xandar smiled.

"You?" Luis pratically fell over laughing.

"Do I look that bad?" Xandar was now the outraged one.

"Stop this now!" Giles proclaimed.

Both Luis and Xandar looked towards him.

"Willow is in trouble, remember?" Giles eyed Xandar.

"Who's Willow?" Luis asked in an unconcerned voice.

Xandar stepped back.

Luis looked down at her.

She almost looked lifeless.

"She faited. We need to get her to a hospital." Xandar whispered.

Luis picked up his cell phone and dialed what seemed to be an Eve Russel.

Xandar prayed that she was a doctor.

Luis put down his cell phone.

"Your under arrest." Luis gave Xandar an evil stare.


He couldn't stand to hear about this Theresa girl anymore.

Thank God she was going to be the last slayer.

Eventually it would only be a myth, and the world would be right again.

Vampires would walk freely at night.

Demons would own towns.

And Earth would be perfect.

Happy meals with legs would be in cages.

Where they belonged.

Away from super natural forces.

They were just going to die anyway.

It didn't matter.

He hoped the scoobies didn't find out what was going to happen.

As normal they would save the day.

Being good was over rated.

He hated that scene.

He hated what came along with it.




"Now I can't exactly say heartbreak now can I." Spike smiled.

Being dead was good.

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