Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction

The Chosen One Chapter 15

"Theresa this isn't funny." Ethan shot back at her. "You are not Buffy." he screamed.

"Did somebody just say the name Buffy." the creature appeared.

"I'm Buffy now. Remember me." a possessed Theresa smiled.

The creature backed up.

"Buffy died. And you will to. Along with him." the creature gave a devilishe smile.

"Not again. I won't die again. I know what your doing. Trying to make her the last. Another ritual. Another acolyspe." she looked at his face.

It was a look a shock.

"Y-you possesed her." the creature stammered.

"Good job, you can figure things out." Theresa was now the one smiling.

"No human can stay possesed for long. No more than 5 minutes your time. You have one minute." the figure grinned.

Just then she felt her power dissolve.

As if something was forcing her back.

Away from helping.

"Theresa!" Ethan yelled out.

But his cries were not heard.

She couldn't hear anything.

All but one voice.

It was trying to tell her something.

But she couldn't understand it.

The only words that Theresa could make out was 'use your power.'

But what did that mean.


Ethan looked down at Theresa.

That creature had walked away long ago.

But what did the name Buffy have anything to do with Theresa?

That thing was defintally afraid of the name.

It was obvious.

But now it didn't matter.

She was out of it now.

Something happened.

He remembered the words possesed.

But that couldn't be possible?

No way.

But this was real.

Was it?

It didn't matter.

He had to save Theresa.

She was his only concern right now.

"THERESA! Wake up!" Ethan yelled.

She couldn't hear him.

They had to get out of hear.

And it had to be soon.

If they wanted to live.


"Willow. Willow." Xandar kept repeating over and over.

"Ms. did he hurt you in any way at all." some stranger asked.

Willow squeezed her hand.

It was there.

It wasn't a dream.

It was reality.

Willow started to sit up.

"Xandar give this to Giles." Willow intrusted him with the object.

Xandar took the object in his hand.

"Ms. did he hurt you in any way." the other guy asked.

"He put glue in my chair in the 1st grade, but that was about it." Willow smiled.

The guy looked outraged.

"O dear Lord." Giles picked up the small metal thing Xandar had just given him.

"Is that what I think it is?" Xandar asked.

"It's exactly what you think it is. We need to go save them." Giles instructed.

"Who is them?" Luis demanded to know.

"Well, well, the scoobies finally figured it out." Spike came up.

"Wait, your the scoobies?" Luis questioned.

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