Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction

The Chosen One Chapter 19

"Where the hell am I?" Luis asked as he walked down the staircase.

"You can't tell anyone about this place." Willow instructed.

"I can do whatever I want." Luis snapped back.

"That's it." Xandar proclaimed. "Look, get over this high and mighty thing. You aren't the center of the universe. Almost everyone I've ever known who thought that is either a walking corps, a pile of dust, or buried in the ground right now, so I reccommend you get over yourself, and start caring about your sister who right now is probably in a worse condition than you are." Xandar snapped at a stunned Luis.

"Look I care about Theresa. That's why I want to get her away from you physcos." Luis shot back.

"What we're physco because we believe in something that we have seen with our own eyes? That very few people have actually lived to tell about. I don't think I'm physco. I think I'm more aware and cautious. Something very few people I know can say." Xandar tried to stay calm.

"Look I just want to help Theresa." Luis's temper rose.

"So do we. Now go hit that punching bag over there while we do some work." Willow stepped in.

"What? I look good so I immeditally have no brain." Luis was offended.

"No you wouldn't-" Willow was cut off.

"FYI. I can read." Luis informend the short red head while picking up a book.

He looked down at the words that laid in the book in front of him.

He immeditally put down the book and walked over to the punching bag.

"Don't worry, Thgin is a hard language to understand." Willow yelled out to him while picking up the book.


"Your still in love with me Ethan?" Theresa repeated herself while looking over to her ex-fiance.

He was silent.

'Why did you have to say that Winthrop!' Ethan cursed himself for letting his feelings show.

"You are." Theresa knew how to read him like a book.

"I-I-" Ethan inhaled and exhaled.

"I'm sorry Theresa." Ethan looked down.

"Don't be. I..." she stopped.

Tears started to swell in her eyes.

"You still love me." Ethan whispered.

"Why did you ever leave? What did I ever do?" Theresa finally asked the two questions she had wanted to know the answer to for months.

Ethan avoided her eyes. They could see through him. They would see the truth.

He could hear her crying.

He could see her tears falling. Forming tiny splotches of water on the ground she sat on.

"Theresa It's not your fault. It was Harmony's. I had to get away. I found out something about myself, and I had to get away. I was going to call you to ask you to come with me, but you were at your Homecoming game. And I realized you had a life here. I didn't." Ethan stopped.

"Ethan I would have dropped everything in my life to be with you. Wherever you were." Theresa stated.

"I could never ask you to do that Theresa. You have so much here. All I had was you. That and a ton of problems." Ethan replied.

"What problems Ethan. You are a Crane. You never had problems. Only with out restlionship. You had everything-" she was cut off.

"Correction. I was a Crane." he stopped watching the look on Theresa's face turn from anger to confusion.

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