Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction

A New Beginning Chapter 4

"Hey!" An outraged Brady responded to getting pushed back.

"I'm so sorry. It's just that-" Theresa was cut off.

"Is this how you treat all your guests?" he asked sarcastically.

"I'm usually the only one out here this early. I thoguht you were a stalker or something." Theresa raised her voice.

This guy was turning into a grade A jerk.

Despite his looks.

"Look lady, I ugh...umm." Brady got up and looked at the person on the slops.

It was her.

He went speechless.

"What?" Theresa put her hands on her hips.

"I'm sorry. I don't enjoy getting pushed down ski slopes." Brady finally got the words out.

"I'm also sorry." she exhaled the pure, fresh, cold air.

"It's getting cold I'm going inside." he grunted while taking off his skis.

Theresa watched him walk about two feet then she had a thoguht.

"Hey stop, person!" she didn't want him to know she knew his name.

"It's Brady." he turned around.

"Brady." her hands figited inside her gloves. "Almost nobody else here can ski." Theresa started.

'She's talking to me. Stay cool. Cool. Ha! It's freezing out here. And I'm still warm.' Brady's mind overflowed with thoughts.

"Get on with it." he put his guard up.

"Do you want to race?" Theresa asked.

"Race? You?" he questioned. "I don't think so." he replied already in the process of turning around.

"Please?" Theresa begged.

'She alrady has power.' Brady thoguht as he turned back around to her.

Those eyes.

Those  lips.

"I've never skiied down here before. Wherever we are right now." Brady stated.

"Denver." Theresa said in a snappy tone.

"Not a bad place?" he commented.

"What, you came here without knowing where you were? What kind of vacation is that?" Theresa questioned.

"It's a good one so far. Expect the bus ride up." he replied.

"How do you buy a bus ticket without knowing where your going?" she wouldn't stop asking questions.

"It's quite simple. I didn't like where I was, and I believed anywhere was better than there. It didn't matter, so I asked for the first ticket out of town. To wherever. The farther the better. Now I'm here. Farther and better." Brady cocnluded.

Normally Theresa would ask why run away, but she had done the same, and was in no position to ask questions.

"What about the race?" she asked.

"What's up with all the questions?" he questioned back like an immature first grader.

"Just answer." Theresa's voice bacame more frigid than the air around her.

"Which one?" he gave a sly smile.

"What about the race?"

"Give me one practice run. I haven't skiied in a few months." he responded.

"You just finished skiing." Theresa threw it in his face.

"As I remember correctly, you pushed me down enabling me to ski all the way down." he was still giving the sly grin.

'This guy has a major ego problem.' Theresa thoguht.

"Fine. Go ski a practice run." she had an overwhelming urge to push him again.

Brady started his way down the hill leaving Theresa alone with her thoughts.

'Jerk!' her mind screamed.

Yet on the outside something began to form.






There it was.

A smile.


Jerry was always impressed with Theresa.

The 40 year-old man had seen amazing people in his time, but none like her.

She was the last gone, and the first here.

And she was only a snowboarding instructor.

If only the rest of the staff had her enthuisum.

He looked out the window.

The night shift was drawing to an end.


And she was here.

She probably got 4 and a half hours of sleep. Max.

He looked out the frostbitten window.

It was another beautiful morning.

He looked down at the slops.

She was standing alone staring off at the skiier farther below her.

With a smile on her face.

A true smile.

That was a first.

He had seen the fake ones she gave customers.

The small ones she had given friends.

But this was real.

Whoever that guy that was with her was a miracle worker in his mind.

He broke down her barriors.

The ones she had put up against the world.

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