Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction

One Time At Band Camp Complete Story

Simone, Reese, Kay, Miguel, and Charity trampled into the tiny booth at their favorite restraunt.

"So Simone you are finally over Chad." Kay stated.

"How did you guess?" she smiled.

"We've been in this place for 10 minutes and you haven't one looked or talked about him." Reese intruded.

"Wait, you had a crush on Chad?" Miguel asked.

"Yeah. Had being the key word." Simone replied.

Just then a tiny bell started to ring.

And an angel appeared.

Not the It's A Wonderful Life crap, but the most goregueuous man Simone had ever seen.

"Hey, guys check him out." Kay smiled.

Even Charity looked.

And Miguel.

Just as every other girl in the Book Cafe did.

 "Where have I seen that guy before?" Kay asked herself aloud.

"You know him?" Reese asked in an over protective voice.

"Not exactly." Kay was still racking her brian for answers.

She had seen him somewhere before.

"Well I'm going to go up and introduce myself." Simone smiled.

Just then it hit her.

"Wait Simone, don't go up!" Kay yelled up at her, but she never listened.

"Kay, who is that?" Miguel asked with a hint of growl in his voice.

"I can't really say, but just hope the girl doesn't make a fool of herself." Kay responded.


Simone was only a few feet away.

She had taken a seat next to his.

Trying to play it cool.

'Breath in.'

'Breath out.'

'Breath in.'

'Breath out.'

'Breath in.'

'Breath out.'

The pattern cointuned.

"H-ey." her voice cracked.

He turned around.

His front side was cuter than his back.

"Hey." he casually replied.

"You okay?" he noticed the girl looked flushed.

Simone couldn't even nod.

She had to stay cool.

An akward silence took over.

She noticed how his face went from a look of confusion to discust.

He started to turn back around.

Just then Simone blurted out the one thing she could think of saying.

"One time at band camp..." Simone started, noticing how his eyebrow popped up while facing her.

Good she had his attention.

"What were you saying?" he leaned in closer to her.

'Breath in.'

'Breath out.'

'Breath in.'

'Breath out.'

"One t-time at band camp..." her voice squeaked again.

He slipped his hand into his pocket.


"What was that?" Simone asked.

"It's my pager. I gotta go." he replied with a hint of a smile.

"Oh. Well bye." she tried to be happy.

He walked out of the place without a hint of who he was or where he was from.

*Out in the Parking Lot*

"Jason I got an idea..." the stranger talked into his cell while reaching into his front pocet picking up a recorder.

"Harmony is full of geeks."

"I know, but we could never make American Pie without them."

*Back Inside*

"I think he likes me." Simone squealed whith glee, while rushing to her friends.

"That's great." Kay was concerned for her friend

"I know." Simone tried not to shout.

"So what happened?" Charity asked.

"I don't know. All I remember was him leaning in. Then his pager went off." she purposely left out what she had said to him.

Kay gave a sigh of relief.

She had seen him in one of her J-14 Magazines.

He was known to embaress people on TV or in the movies.

"Now where is that coffee?" Reese asked.

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