Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction

Winter Break Chapter 5

Miguel and Luis strode outdoors into the snow yet again.

"What do you have in mind?" Miguel looked up to his older brother.

"Just explore the town." Luis shrugged.

"That's it. That's the plan you concocted." he was amazed.

"Well maybe when I know the town, I'll know how to have fun here." Luis shot back.

"So true. Which way do you want to go first?" Miguel asked.

Luis looked down on the ground.

There were tiny foot implants on the ground.

"I want to go find Resa. Torture her or something." the older male smiled wickedly.

Miguel started to grin at this idea.

Theresa was always fun no matter what.

"Which way?" Miguel questioned.

"Follow the footprints ." Luis headed north.


"You new here?" Ethan spoke up.

Theresa turned around to face his direction.

"Why?" was her simple response.

"Cause I would like to know." he smiled.


"Where are you from?" Ethan continued to ask.

"Here you go miss. That will be $3.50." Beth intruded on the miniature conversation.

"Thanks." Theresa smiled while giving her the cash.

She grabbed her white hot chocolate, and looked towards the door.

Just before she took a step she turned towards Ethan yet again.

"We'll save that question for another conversation." Theresa then zipped around and nonchantally walked to the door.

Ethan gave up his hopes of her coming back once he heard the tiny bell ring.

"Who is that girl?" Beth let out a breath while taking off her apron, and walking to the opposite side of the counter.

"I don't know." Whitney responded.

"Ethan?" she turned to him.

"I don't know either." he let out a sigh realizing he never got her name or at least her phone number.


Kay rushed over to the Book Cafe hoping that they hadn't left yet.

She was already late.

Her friends were going to kill her.

Just then she slipped on the slippery ice patch below the snow.

Kay attempted to get back up, but unlike the many times before she had slipped on the ground, she couldn't get back up.

Something was wrong.

All of a sudden a rush of pain from her ankle affected her, causing pain.

Kay struggled to get up yet again, but couldn't move.

She then heard footsteps approaching her.

Not wanting to be embarssed, she yet again struggled to rise to her feet, but stayed unsucessful.

Feeling a shadow hover over her she looked up at an outstreched hand.

"You alright?" a tall male brunette questioned.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." she said while looking down towards the ground not allowing herself to look at the person standing above her.

"So you ever gonna take my hand, cause I kinda look like an idiot holding out my hand to you while you refuse to look at me."

Kay chuckled somewhat before took up his offer, still looking at the ground, or any other place for that matter.

But her efforts went in vain as she soon realized that she was locking eyes with the most goregues male she had ever seen.

"Thanks." she managed to at least one syllable out as she gazed at him her eyes lingering on his well defined abs.

"Hey Miguel!" a somewhat older male ran up to the pair.

'Miguel. Miguel what?' Kay asked herself.

"Yeah?" Miguel replied.

"Nothing I just really wanted to ruin whatever you two were doing." he smiled as Kay decieded she ofically hated this guy.


"Who was that?" Chad asked his best friend as he came back  from his most recent conversation.

"A complete bitch." Beth spoke up.

"No she wasn't." Ethan stood up for his mrystery woman.

"That's cause you aren't wearing a waitressing apron thing." Beth fired back.

"I bet she's the new occupant of the former Hotchkiss estate." Chad interjected.

"Great another Gwen." Beth muttered.

"She wasn't kissing my ass, she's not another Gwen." Ethan announced.

"Well I'll give the girl that, but honestly. She just treated me like I was hired help."

"But aren't you techinally hired help?" Chad questioned his friend.

"I'm not a maid!" Beth announced.

"But you still serve food and clean up after other for money, unless your job description changed in the last 10 seconds."

"I wonder where she's from?" Chad changed the subjet, trying to avoid a fight.

"Well she looked tan, so anywhere up North is out of the picture." Beth commented.

"Well she's gonna be in for a ride then." Chad mumbled.

Next Chapter (WIP)

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