Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction

An Unwanted Life Chapter 1

Present Day

"Nice place you got here." Theresa followed her date into his huge apartment.

"Thanks." the rugged looking man started to close the gap between them.

Theresa backed off just as he was about to reach her lips.

"Not until later." she smiled sedutavily.

"I like your type." he smiled.

"So do you have what I want, cause if you do maybe I can give you something other than cash." she pressed their bodies close together.

Again he tried to kiss her, but Theresa backed away.

"Not until I get what I want." Theresa walked to the other side of the couch.

"I'll get the stuff." he walked into the back room.

"God I hate this job sometimes." an exausted Theresa mumbled to herself as she collasped on the couch.

Just then the guy came back with a suitcase in his hand.

"So watcha got?" she turned back on her seductive mode.

"Check this out." he opened the suitcase full of drugs.

"Nice. Now I have something for you." she faked a smile.

"And what would that be?" he questioned, hopeful she was thinking what he was.

Theresa held up a pair of handcuffs.

"I like the way you think." he smiled.

"I don't think you do." she turned cold.

"What's up with you Vanessa?" he got sucpicous.

"Freeze." Antonio bust down the door with two more agents behind him.

"You work for the government!" the drug smuggler was outraged.

"I'm above the government, and you're under arrest." Theresa now had a real smile on her face.


"Good job." Antonio commented to his sister.

"Thanks, I learned from the best." she looked up at him.

"You learned how to shamelessly flirt from me?"

"No. That I picked up on myself." she laughed.

All of a sudden Antonio's private cell phone started to ring.

"Lo Fitz01." he answered.

"Report to Harmony, Maine with Lo Fitz02 for new assignment and instructions." was all he heard oer the other end.

Antonio was offically use to calls like this so it was no big deal.

"What was that about?" Theresa asked.

"New assignment." he casually responded.

"Where is it this time? I haven't been to Milan in a while." Theresa winked.

"Sorry sis. Someplace up in the U.S. Harmony, Maine to be exact." he sighed.

"Well it's better than going to New York or LA again." Theresa wanted to go somewhere else.

"So true." Antonio replied.

"Well I gotta go. I want to go clubbing my last night in Sydney." she told her older brother by 2 years.

"Sometimes I forget you're still a teenager."

"Get over it." Theresa said as she crossed the street to find the closest bar.


This was his life.

It was all he ever knew.

He couldn't remember anything up to age 12.

Theresa couldn't remember anything up to age 10.

And that started the training years.

It required 8 years of their life.

It honestly wasn't that bad.

There were about 500 other people in training with them that also remembered nothing from their previous life.

Antonio just wanted to know the rest of his family other than Theresa.

Sure he loved her, but there had to be more Lopez-Fitzgerald's out there.

People he could call Mom, Dad, bro, Aunt, Uncle, maybe even a few cousins.

But he couldn't track them down.

It was against policy.

It was actually funny when you think about it.

He could hack into every compuer system on Earth, but couldn't find his family.

Another one of life's mrysteries.

And to think, some people would kill for the job he had.

Not to mention the position he held.

It was at least important enough for the company to care when he was murdered.

That in itself was amazing.

But the job did have its perks.




All you had to give up was any chance of a normal life, your old family and friends, and anything involving them.

Of coarse it was possible to have some freedom like going on dates every once and a while.

Not to mention the fake ID's for cover up.

'Theresa usually uses those to get into some 21 & up clubs.' he thought to himself

"Well this is my life." he sighed before walking straight into the hotel.

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