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Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction
![]() Home Chapter 7
![]() Name: Theresa Johnson
Date of Birth: 04/07/1979
Place of Birth: Unknown
Height: 4' 7''
Weight: 115
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Sex: F
Race: Hispanic, Irish
Current Location: Los Angelos
Family by Birth: Unknown
Personal Details: Ruth Mason, Stephaine McLean, Ryan Kingston (decased)
Education: Bachelor degree from UCLA. Major in Fashion design. Minor in Business.
Foster Parents: Alice Jaques, Michael Thompson, Sydney Robertson, Anna Greenwood, James McAlistar (inprisioned), Jaqulyn Vaughn.
The young man gave a slight smile from behind his desk.
A plan formed in his mind.
It was already set.
I word she hadn't been able to associate herself with for a while.
It had a tendecy to avoid her like a plauge.
But apparently it had recently been vaccinated against her, cause for once in her life hope had showed it's face in her presence.
According to Dr. Russell, the man was, so far, making progress.
"Do I know you from somewhere?"
"No...No I don't think so." Theresa polietly shot back in her face.
"I'm sorry you just seem so familar. Well I'll keep you updated."
Theresa plopped down into the nearest chair she could find.
'Could this so called vacation get any worse?' she questioned herself as a wave of drearniess overcame her.
And just when everything seemed to quiet down for one second.
When she finally got one moment of peace, Ivy Crane decided to show up, and screw up everything.
The long strech limo raced down the highway, or whatever a highway is considered to be in Harmony.
Inside of the long black mobile a middle aged woman anxiously sat upon the fine leather couch looking out out of the tinted windows.
"What is wrong with him?" she quietly asked herself as the limo pulled itself into the highway.
"And who is Theresa Johnson?" another unansweed question came to her.
After her ride stopped she awaited the driver to open the door for her, so she would have the chance to race inside.
The moment finally came where her emplayee completed his task, and she was free to reign over a Crane's rightful property, the hospital.
She came running up to the nurse mannin gthe front desk.
"Where is Ethan Crane stationed!" she demanded to know.
"I'm sorry Mrs. Crane, you aren't allowed to see him at the moment." the attendent replied, while Ivy set her sights on the brunette sitting in the chair, trying to avoid her gaze.
"Who's that?"
"I believe that's Ms. Johnson."
"Are you sure." she studied the brunette, who looked like someone she knew.
"Thank you." Ivy ushered herself towards the girl, who was watching their exchange with great intrest.
"Yes?" Theresa asked before Ivy even stopped.
"What did you do to my son?" she asked with a slight hint of venom.
"So I assume you know who I am." Theresa commented.
"Theresa Johnson I presume."
"I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I just threw my cell phone out the window. I didn't even know he was outside." she said with some emotion.
"But he was. And may I ask why you threw your cell phone out the window?"
"I didn't know that, and I need a personal assitant."
"You nearly killed my son, a Crane, because you need a personal assitant!" her tone rose with each word.
"You took what I just told you far too literally. I meant that I was annoyed with the constant calls, the many appointments, the endless schedule. The only way I'm ever rested is a medation exercise that takes 10 minutes. That way I can stay awake for 23 hours a day."
"There's no such thing."
"Yes there is. I can't pronounce what it's called, but there is such an exercise."
"I don't know who you think you are, but I'm guessing you have no idea who your dealing with."
"I have some vauge knowledge on who you are, same goes for who I am." she declared.
"I would normally say 'you'll be hearing from my lawer,' and walk out the door, but I have a strong love for my son, that so far is much greater than my hate for you."
"I've lived my entire life without love. Hate's the next best thing. Besides you don't even know me. Unless you did a background check in your limo I highly doubt you can tell me my occupation."
"You're right. I can't."
"I'm also guessing due to that explains that outfit you're wearing." she paused for a second. "Whatever you call that thing." she concluded the argument, allowing the room to become silent and peaceful once again.
Nurse Bohammin carfully observed the 'exchange' between one of the worlds top fashion designers and the most powerful woman on Earth, even though she knew nothing about it.
"Hey." another nurse walked by, and greeted her.
"Hey, um...does this hospital have any popcorn around here?" she questioned.
"What's going on!" Gwen Hotchkiss demanded to know while approaching the mob of people located near a local bed and breakfast.
"Why Ms. Hotchkiss, I never expected for you to show up." Hank greeted her.
"Cut the crap, what's going on?" she refused to make small talk with the common people.
"You know Harmony, the smallest piece of gossip, and they have to know everything." he avoided the topic of Ethan.
"Mind if I find out what that gosip is?" she brutally asked.
"You really don't want to know."
"I always want to know." she snapped back at him.
"Ethan was knocked out. He's at the hospital right now."
"Crane? Ethan Crane?" a look of fake concern washed over her face, as if she was forced to be obligated to him.
"The one and only."
"What happened?"
"A cell phone hit him on the temple."
"Who on Earth is insane enough to throw a cell phone at a Crane?"
"You see those clothes you're wearing right now."
"Yeah, so what?"
"Apparently the person who designed them is that insane." he left her alone.
All alone.
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