Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction

Who Knew Chapter 5

Lyrics from the song Still. I have no idea who wrote it though. When I find out I'll added to the disclaimer.

Still, Still, Still

He sat upon the bed in silence.

Memories rushed into his head.

Ones he didn't think it was possible to even remember.



"Yes mija?"

"Can I go out tonight?"

"Where?" Pilar questioned.

"Out." she simply stated.


"Tifini is having a party tonight."


"But Mama..." Theresa protested.

"I said no. I know what happens at those things. I tried to get in touch with you last time when you were at Tifini's, and every time someone answered the phone they were drunk high schoolers. Theresita you are 13. I don't want you there!"

"Mama, I do not drink. Or smoke. Or get high. Or anything illegal!" she was outraged her own Mom would say that.

"How can I be so sure of that? You're not the same girl you once were a year ago. Theresita, in case you never noticed, you're a teenager."

"Mama, I know Luis is perfect, but I'm not, so don't expect me to follow in his footsteps. I'm not going to be head cheerleader, or the star of the school play. I'm not gonna be the most popular girl. Now I'm sorry that I'm not the perfect child to raise, but I just want to be normal." she burst out.

"Theresita, you are not going to that party. Now if you want Whitney to sleepover that's fine, but no party!"

"Sleep over! You have to be kidding me! And me and Whitney aren't friends anymore!" she confessed.

"Well I'm sorry, but you aren't going! End of discussion!" Pilar finished, as Theresa stomped out of the kitchen.

End of Flashback

Neither of them would have guessed that a 10 year-old Miguel was outside the kitchen listening to their argument.

He also remembered how she snuck out that night, but Mama never knew.

She was always an expert at that stuff.

Hence how she got here in the first place.

Come in Prayer and Silence Still

She went the first place she could think of.

The one place she hadn't been in years.


It was always a welcoming place.

Well this one was.

Any church on a college campus is a welcoming place to her.

The traditional style would have been too much.

Too overwhelming.

Too familiar.

She needed something different.

Change was her friend.

Home was her weakness.

Any reminder of home was her kryptonite.

"This was nothing like what she was use to.

It was a neutral place labeled worship area.

Most likely yo avoid lawsuits for the devoted Christians, Muslims, Jewish, or people of any other religion on Earth.

She walked into the center of the room not truly remembering what to do.

"Umm...hey." she started. "What's up. I know I haven't talked with you in a while, but you should know why now."

Just then a group of people walked inside the room.

Staring at her.

"Excuse me." one of them finally spoke up.

"Yes." she innocently replied.

"We reserved the room. I'm sorry, but do you mind leaving." Now she was getting kicked out of church. Not that she didn't deserve it.

"Sure." she lifted herself up, and headed towards the exit.

"Sorry." one of the people stated, as she walked away.

Turning back she looked him right in the eye, "No your not." Theresa shot back.

"Don't say what you don't mean."

The guy just stared at her, as did the rest of the group.

"Sympathy is one thing. Obligation is another. Don't confuse them." she left one that final note.

Come, Come, Come

Kay merrily walked to her hotel room with a smile plastered across her face.

As she approached the door she immedtially noticed it was open.

"Shit." she muttered silently to herself.

She cautiously approached the door, the smile slowly fading into concern.

Taking a peek inside she all of a sudden noticed Miguel.

Absently staring at the wall.

His hair ruffled, by his hands that had obvisouly run through a fair amount of times.

"Miguel?" Kay slowly approached her broken friend.

When he didn't reply she took a step closer, repeating his name.


He paused for a few seconds before replying, "Theresa called."

"Oh my God, Miguel." Kay immediately took to his side.

"So she's here?" he continued keeping his eyes locked on the wall.

Kay was silent.

"Is she here?" he asked, turning to face her.

Kay hesitated for a brief second, "Yes."

"She said, don't tell me. Don't tell her family."


"She doesn't like us. She doesn't want to see us. Me. We disgrace her. I disgrace her."

"No, no, you don't. None of you do." she paused briefly. "She's different now. More grown up. Independent."

"She doesn't want to see us."

"She doesn't want to look back on the past." Kay blurt out. "She doesn't want to dwell on the past. She wants a future." Kay explained her personal thoughts.

Miguel turned to look at her.

"Miguel, you don't need her-"

"But she's my sister. And I want to see her, and I want to know her. I want to be able to know where she lives. What she does. How to reach her anytime I want. I want to have a family again. The way it was before."

"It'll never be the way it was."

Miguel immediately interjected, "As close to what we once were. I just want to know the family I don't remember. The one Luis and Mama remember."

"Miguel the family you were once apart of is nothing like the one you have now. Just accept that maybe the smaller the family, the more loving." she tried to confront him.

"I don't have to accept anything Kay!" he stormed out of the hotel room leaving her, basically, the exact same way she found him 5 minutes before.

In aww and reverence come

Next Chapter (WIP)

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