Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction

Miguel and Kay: Brought Together By Fate Chapter 3

Warning: NC-17 chapter!

Three Months Later

Kay has been a real great help around the house. Just about all the time she started her chores on her own without being told when to do them. She even did work on days that she didn’t half to. She even goes to church on Saturday and Sunday. She says the rosary at least twice a week. Sometimes she would pray alone. Sometimes she would pray with her family or friends. Simon and the rest of Kay’s friends were visiting here on Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. The four days visits were allowed.

But two Months later it was decided that on Wednesday Miguel would be the only one to visit her because everybody agreed that Miguel and Kay should have a little privacy liked they used to have before Charity came to town. Miguel said that it might help Kay get better faster. Even Charity agreed on this. Two weeks ago Kay’s therapist reported that Kay was making remarkable progress! So Kay was allowed to play baseball again with everybody.

Plus at school and home Kay has been so much nicer to everybody. Kay was also slowly getting over her feelings for Miguel.

Wednesday Miguel and Kay are alone at the Bennett House. Everyone else is out doing other stuff and won’t be back until the next day at noon. Miguel is allowed to stay and keep Kay company until everyone comes home.

Miguel brought flowers when he visited Kay today. He brings her flowers once every two weeks on Wednesday. He’s watching a movie with her and all of a sudden Kay jumped into his arms shaking really hard and crying when a really scary part of the movie came up. She had done this several times before in the past. She was shaking but never crying. But this was different As he was holding her in his arms he realized that he felt something in him that he hadn’t felt since before Charity came to Harmony. He noticed how beautiful she was and wonderful Kay felt in his arms. Then he realized something else. He was falling in love with her! He also realized these feelings he had for Kay were real. He also
remembered that Kay was slowly getting over him. So he knew he couldn’t let his fear stand in his way because he knew the longer he waited to tell her this the smaller his chances of them being together were. So he decided to tell her now.

“Kay I have something to tell you Kay. I just realized it just realized it.”

“What is it Miguel?”

“I’m falling in love with you Kay.”

“What!” Kay said stopping the movie, muting the television, and standing up. “You can’t be serious Miguel!”

Miguel stands up and holds Kay’s arms.

“I’m very serious Kay. Please tell me it’s not too late for us to be together!”

Kay stands there in tears of happiness and then leans against his chest and tells him.

“No its not Miguel.”

“I’m so glad to hear that. Kay I now know that you are my soulmate and not Charity.”

With that Miguel and Kay just start kissing and the fireworks are going off everywhere. When they finally broke off their kiss, Kay tells Miguel to wait outside her room while she goes in there for a few minutes. Miguel agrees and waits for Kay outside her room.

10 minutes Kay calls Miguel in. Miguel finds Kay on her bed in her robe. Kay gets up and closes the door then locks it.
[Can anyone guess what Kay is planning to do with Miguel?]

Kay shows Miguel a bottle of birth control pills and tells him that she took two of these. Miguel realizes what Kay wants to do.

“Kay are you sure you want to do this?”

“Yes Miguel. I’ve really wanted to do this with you for such a long time.”

Miguel removes Kay’s robe and finds her in nothing but a two piece swimming suit and boy was she sexy! Kay then pulled off Miguel’s shirt and started to kiss his chest. She then took off his jeans, boxers, shoes and socks. Miguel then took off Kay’s swimming suit then pushed her on the bed and started to sexually play with her body.

First he started to kiss her breast first the left then the right. Then he put his mouth onto her breast. First the left then the right one! Then he was kissing her stomach and then he was playing with her center. Kay moaned with pleasure the entire time but louder when miguel put his mouth
on her breast!

After that just before he could enter her she rolled him over on his back and played with his body in the exact same way he played with hers. Miguel also moaned with pleasure the entire time as well!

Then Miguel finally rolled Kay on her back and entered her while he was kissing her. Finally when Miguel exited Kay they stopped to catch their
breathes. Both were tired. But Miguel and Kay didn’t stop there!

They made love and sexually played with each other’s bodies 20 times! By the time they stopped it was one o’clock in the morning! Then they went right to sleep.

They woke up at the same time at eight o’clock a.m. While Kay was fixing breakfast, Miguel held his arms around Kay’s waist and kissing her neck. Kay told Miguel that it felt wonderful. When she asked him to stop, he stopped. Kay told Miguel:

 “Miguel, last night was really wonderful. I’m sure you’re wondering when and where I got the birth control pills from.”

 “Yes I am.”

 “Somebody at school has been leaving notes on my desk threatening to rape me when I least expect it. My Dad’s been investigating this for a while now. But he hasn’t got any clues yet. [Miguel stands there in total shock] That’s right Miguel, I’m being stalked.”

“Oh my goodness! That’s just terrible Kay. I swear it Kay if I ever find out who it is thats been doing this to you, I’ll make him pay! I promise you Kay I’ll protect you with my life at school and here whenever I can.”

“Miguel I appreciate your concern. I accept your offer to protect me. But I don’t want you taking matters into your own hands. If you do find out who’s been doing this to me, tell my Dad and how you found out.”

“OK Kay. You’re right, I shouldn’t take matters into my own hands. That will only get me into trouble. I can understand why you didn’t tell anyone about this.”

“You do?”

“Yes. Because you don’t want that person to know that you’re scared. That’s all the suspect would need to know. He would know that he’s getting closer to where he wants you.”

“This whole thing started about 6 weeks ago Miguel. The reason why you’re allowed to stay here until everyone gets back is because they don’t want to take any chances of that person catching me alone. That’s just the opportunity he would need. I’m telling you this Miguel because I know that I can trust you. Besides if he does come after me and I’m not alone, then his chances of rapping me are considerably smaller.”

“You’re right about that Kay.”

Kay’s mother had taught her how to make pancakes the way she does. That’s exactly what she fixed. After Breakfast, the two of them cleaned up the dishes and finished the movie they had started the previous afternoon.
[Kay had turned off the Television and VCR before they had gone upstairs to her room the previous day.]

At 12:00 p.m. while Kay and Miguel were eating lunch in candlelight, everyone finally came in.

Charity told Miguel how much she missed him. But when they saw that Miguel and Kay were eating by candlelight, they got suspicious looks on their faces and they were looking at Kay!

But Miguel intervened and told them everything that happened [except that he and Kay had made love 20 times last night]. He made sure that they understood that Kay did nothing to start it but he did by telling her he loved her first before the two of them started to get romantic [he also lied that he and Kay had slept in different rooms].

Charity and everyone else was stunned. Miguel told Charity:

 “Charity I’m sorry it can’t work out for us. But I’m totally in love with Kay now. I hope that someday you will be able to forgive me.”

“I understand Miguel [crying]. I know that I will be able to forgive you, but not today. I hope that you and Kay are happy together.” Charity cried harder and ran up to her room.

Everyone apologized to Kay for suspecting her of scheming again. They told her that they are happy she had finally found true love. After everyone visiting but Miguel left Kay told her family that she told Miguel about the stalker situation. They were very glad to see that she trusted Miguel so much. Miguel promised to keep his mouth shut about this and vowed to protect Kay at any cost whenever he could. Nobody could understand why anyone would want to stalk Kay.

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