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Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction
![]() Back Home Chapter 2
![]() Theresa just was enveloped in hugs by her mother, brothers, sister, and best friends. "Mija you look so grown up. I can't believe my youngest
daughter is 21 already. So has anything interesting happen?" she asked curiously.
Once she had said that Theresa's mind drifted to her time with Ethan. Everything he did to her and she did to him. He made her a woman and a
very satisfied woman. She shook herself out of her daze.
"Mama my life is always interesting and complicated as you know. I can't believe I'm the only one not married. Luis and Sheridan. Antonio and Kay. Miguel and Charity. Paloma and Noah. Whitney and Chad. Boy talk about getting a bitch slap from reality. Though I get a lot a satisfaction knowing I was right about all of you. I guess when it's not your love life you can't screw it up." she stated playfully serious.
"Looks like you did get some loving last night if that hickey is any indication. So who's they mystery man sis?" Miguel asked as she rubbed
her neck. "Just a guy I'm interested in. It's not serious yet." she replied.
At that moment Ethan came in. "Resa you're back home!" he stated as he hugged her and she hugged him. They both decided to not mention their time together. "Ethan." she stated happily.
"Do you realize you left your mark on me? I have a hickey on my neck not to mention the rest of my body. You prick." she replied with a smile as
she whispered in his ear.
"Come by my place tonight I'll do it all over again. You didn't exactly leave me unscathed. I have scratches on my shoulders. Some of which are
bleeding." he retorted back as she nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck.
Theresa just bit and kissed softly hearing his soft moan. She broke the embrace and smirked. "I was just thinking the same thing. Um Ethan
suggested we all go sit." she lied giving him a wink.
Ethan knew she would be the death of him. He unleashed the passionate woman she truly was and she rode him. Wiping out all his strength and
then making him need her again. She had a serious sexual appetite.
Once he relished in quenching. He knew he was her first and would be her only if he had anything to say about it. He knew she would wipe him out but what a way to go he thought to himself.
Chad however noticed the changes in his half brother's and Theresa's behavior. He looked at his wife Whitney. "Something is going on there. I
have this gut feeling." he stated softly as she just looked confused.
After a couple of hours her brothers and sisters left. Leaving her with Ethan, Chad, and Whitney. Pilar headed up to bed. Chad just eyed them. "Why do I get the feeling you two are creeping?" he asked seriously.
"Creeping?! What's creeping?" he asked curiously as Theresa laughed. "He thinks you're hitting it." she stated bluntly seeing Ethan blushing
"Chad Julian Harris Crane! You know your mind is always in the gutter like father's." he retorted with out rage. Theresa was surprised at how
well he could act. Whitney saw the look in his eyes. "He didn't mean anything." she replied.
"But he did Whit. Chad I love Resa she's my best friend and I would never ever use her for sex! God I thought you knew me better than that. Later! Whit bye. Resa I'll call you tomorrow." he stated before storming out.
Chad just sighed and Theresa wondered why he had that look in his eyes. It hit her. "He's in love with me isn't he?" she asked as they both
looked like a deer caught in headlights.
"He's in love with me. Does explain some things though. Listen just let him blow off some steam. I'm sure he'll be alright tomorrow. Bye you
two." she stated as they left.
Theresa just grabbed her overnight bag and headed out through her window so not to wake Pilar. She hopped on her motorcycle and sped to Ethan's place. She parked in his garage. She knocked on the door but it was open.
Ethan just laid in his bed in his boxer briefs on his bed. He didn't notice her slip in. She was just in a tankini shirt and panties. She sat
on his legs and he smiled. "I love you too. I always have and always will." she stated sincerely.
"That's why you waited. Resa I love you. I love you with all my heart." he whispered as she saw the sincerity in his eyes. She leaned down and
kissed him passionately. They just made out grouping each other.
Before she knew it he ripped her shirt off and panties. They lay on his floor almost ripped in half. She got him out his boxers. His movements
became more urgent. Hers were at the same level.
He laid her down and forced her legs wide open. He had his hands on her thighs. She couldn't close her legs even if she wanted to. He was in
complete control and he knew it as he slid in fully.
She moaned out as pinned her hands over her head. The other hand held her so she couldn't move at all. His strokes were rough and hard. She groaned out in pain at first but then she felt amazing.
"Please more." she moaned as he smirked he knew her body finally got adjusted to his rough movements. he had never filled her this much
before. He was all the way in. She was so tight, hot, and wet for him.
Ethan continue to make hard fast passionate love to her. He couldn't get enough of her. When she finally came he felt tight space get even more
confined and he spilled his seed within her but she didn't release him from her hold.
She was squeezing him so tightly that he came again without making love. He knew that could happen and she didn't either. He was entirely spent and collapsed on her chest as she looked in his eyes. She still had him.
"Baby let go." he stated as she kissed his lips softly. "No. It feels too wonderful. Am I hurting. I can feel you swelling and not in the usual way." she replied.
"It doesn't hurt but you have such a tight grip around me and I've never penetrated you fully until tonight. It a really tight fit." he groaned as
she left him go and he made love to her.
Once again they had an all nighter. They were asleep in each other's arms. Extremely exhausted but loving it.
The next morning Theresa awoke and got dressed. She left a note for Ethan and jetted. She went to the lighthouse to think. She was afraid of
getting her heartbroken but he loved.
"What am I going to do?! I have loved Ethan practically forever but can I really risk it. I know he loves me but is it really love or just lust. I
mean he didn't say it before we slept together but in all fairness I didn't either." she stated.
Ethan awoke and felt for Theresa blindly. All he found was a note. He read it and sighed. "Time apart meaning she's afraid this isn't real.
That it's just about sex. The same fear I have." he stated to himself.
Theresa and Ethan didn't get together for a month in a half. Each trying to sort through their feelings wondering if they would ever get a chance
to show how much they truly loved each other.
It was a raining day and Ethan was just at his desk trying to work on a brief but his thoughts were on Theresa. He just stared at her picture
wondering if she ever really loved him but in his heart he knew. He knew it was and is real.
He heard pounding on his door and he ran to it. He opened the door in shock and saw Theresa standing there soaked to the bone and crying with a worried yet happy serene look in her eyes. "Resa what's wrong?" he asked seriously.
Theresa just looked him straight in the eyes. "I just found out some rather interesting news. I've been sick for the past few weeks. I thought
it was just nothing but it's not. It's life changing." she stated in a tone filled with fear and love.
"Resa baby what's wrong?! Are you okay?!" he asked with worry etched in his tone. His mind ran through every scenario. ' What if she's sick or
dying?! What if she's pregnant?!' he thought as she just watched him.
She was amazed at how easily she could read him. "I thought I should tell you myself. I love you with all my heart Ethan. It's just hard for me to
admit what my news is. I haven't fully accepted it myself." she replied honestly.
"Just tell me. What's wrong Resa?" he demanded bracing himself for the worst and best. The rain poured down on them as she gazed into his eyes.
"I went to Dr. Russell and she decided to run more test because something didn't look right in my blood work. After the new tests I got some
startling news that rocked me to my very core. Ethan I'm........"
![]() Next Chapter (WIP)
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