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Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction
![]() The Hunt Chapter 3
![]() Theresa raced into Blockbuster, against the voices of the one employee, who for obvious reasons based on looks alone, was unable to find a Valentines Day date.
She searched the racks for Pretty Woman. Any copy of the movie what so ever at all.
She cointuned to throughly search the store.
Finally she went up the the front counter to confront the one employee who was already mad at her.
"Do you have Pretty Woman?" she questioned.
"Somone checked it out about a half hour ago." he said.
"W-what? Who was it?"
"I'm not at liberity to say mamn'."
"It's a video. It's not like I'm asking you top secret CIA plans."
"What if I told you I was apart of the CIA." he smiled.
"Are you flirting with me?" she noticed his smile immeditally withdraw from its postition, "because if you are, I do have a boyfriend, who hates it when other guys hit on me."
"If you have a boyfriebd what are you doing here tonight."
"Scvanger hunt."
"I guess this is for you then." he threw a box at her, and walked away.
Trying to get away from the annoying and peverted video guy, she held onto her gift and walked outside.
"Done!" a sweaty, tired, broken, beaten, annoyed Chad finally proclaimed.
"Done what?" Whitney Russell questioned staring at him. "OMG. This place looks amazing Chad. Whose it for?"
"Unfortuntally, not for you." he replied.
"Why not?"
"Cause I owe Ethan a favor."
"I'm assuming I don't have to really ask why Theresa decided to cancel our Valentine's Day plans of watching rented movies."
"You could ask, but I wouldn't be allowed to tell." he paused briefly. "How'd you know I was here."
"I saw your car outside, while I was driving around." she neglected to tell him she had also been watching him work for a grand total of 5 minutes and 47 seconds. It was a 5 minutes and 47 seconds she was not soon to forget either, espically if that performance would find her way into her dreams, as she suspected it would.
"So why are you here?" Whitney asked again.
"Theresa will tell you eventually."
"Can I guess." she pouted.
"Sure." Chad ingored the signs, and shrugged.
'Men are idiots.' her mind ofically concluded.
Sorry about the lack of gift this time.
Theresa began to read the note, having already figured out that she didn't have a gift in her hand.
But i didn't really didn't matter.
But I still am unemployed.
That never really mattered to her anyway.
She personally liked him having enough time for her.
Anyway that could only mean the next gift will be big.
Still didn't matter.
In case you didn't catch the hint, it will be.
Don't need a gift.
This is the part i get to now where you could go.
So many places to choose from for such a small town.
I remember not being able to get the smell of eggs out of my hair for a week.
Oh God. I'm sorry.
That's all you get.
That's enough.
One good thing about Harmony.
It's a small town.
Of coarse she also could consider that a downside also, but tonight it was a good thing.
Espically it was only a few meters across the street from Blockbuster to Publix.
She jay walked acroos the street that looked as if it had never even had a car drive across its gravel.
Another aspect of small towns.
She awaited the automatic double doors to open for a total of around 3 miliseconds, and then raced inside, straight for the where the eggs were located.
It was defintally a good thing that nobody was actually there shopping, otherwise she would have ran them over by now, and most likely apoligizeed, and stayed to help her victim for a grand total of 5 seconds. Then she would have finally ran off again.
Oddly enough, towards the eggs.
As Theresa finally rounded her final corner, she then saw it.
Then she burst out laughing.
"OMG." she silently mouthed through her incessant laughter.
How did he ever know her, once was, obession with Buffy.
It was a little gold umbrella.
Propped up, waiting for her.
With a note attached.
As she expected.
Well she would never expect him finding out about the Buffy thing or the umbrella.
Of coarse she almost never watched television anymore, but that was beside the point.
Approaching the shiny unmrella she started to admire it's beauty.
It's not like it was authentic, but it looked like it, and it was beautiful.
Of coarse it wouldn't have mattered weather she got a gift or not, but she was a girl.
Finally touching the object she gently ran her hand down the smooth material.
'And I got a little toy surprise.'
Gently picking it up she flung the handle across her right shoulder, and began to spin around.
Almost starting to dance.
It's not like anyone was there anyway.
At least anyone that didn't work there.
But nobody was around to stare at her or point and laugh, so what was the difference.
Then she stopped.
Now focusing on the note with his perfect penmanship.
So much better than her huge bubble, curvy style.
She then began to read the handwriting that still captivated her.
Sometimes I wish I was brave
"I love this song." Beth commented.
"Never heard it in my life." Ethan commented while taking a sip of coffee.
I wish I was stronger
"How could you not know who Boxcar Racer is?"
"I'm not a teenager."
I wish I could feel no pain
"Thank you for insulting my taste in music."
"It's a rock band. It's teenage music."
I wish I was young
"So what did you listen to growing up?"
Ethan was silent for a moment.
"Remember I was raised in an elite prep school, so I'm not going to answer that question." she replied as Beth laughed.
I wish I was shy
"So what were you talking about earlier?"
"Which earlier?"
"When you were rambling."
I wish I was honest
"Umm... I'ts uh, kinda complicated."
"I have some time to kill. Explain."
'This woman should be a bartender.' he though to himself.
I wish I was you not I
"In a nutshell, I'm waiting for Theresa to finish somethig to see if she forgives me."
"I didn't even know you guys were in a fight."
"We broke up a few days ago." he mummered.
I feel so mad
I feel so angry
I feel so callused
So lost, confused, again
I feel so cheap
So used, unfaithful
Let's start over
Let's start over
"You two?" she sounded suprised. "You always looked like the perfect couple."
"Noboy's perfect. Nothing is perfect."
Sometimes I wish I was smart
"You sound so sure of youself."
"I've seen too much."
I wish I made cures for how people are
"Now you sound too old."
"I'm not. I've just seen both worlds."
"Which ones better."
I wish I had power
"The one with her." he slightly smiled to himself.
"After you had everything..." she was then cut off.
"Not everything."
"Almost everything. You still want to be poor?"
I wish I could lead
"Yeah." he paused briefly. "Anyway it's not fun to be Mr. Popular."
Beth was silent.
I wish I could change the world for you and me
"I just want Theresa. That's basically it for me. Well that and the basic needs." he grinned.
Beth left.
I feel so mad
I feel so angry
I feel so callused
So lost, confused, again
I feel so cheap
So used, unfaithful
Let's start over
Let's start over
![]() Disclaimer:
Song at the end was 'I Feel So' by Boxcar Racer.
(I know I'm using too many songs recently.)
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