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Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction
![]() Hidden Chapter 1
![]() “In my opinion fate is a mapped out route for life, that if people don't think they'll follow, life will end completely. I mean, it's just an excuse to live the life you want, or in some cases, the life you dread. What I don't understand why people believe in it so much. We make our own fate with every action.”
“Yeah, but what if those actions are planned out before they are even done. That right there is fate. There could be Oracles above us right now planning out our life. When we marry, if we marry, when we die, how many kids we'll have if any at all. It's somewhat like that movie Final Destination, there is a divine pattern for everyone. It doesn't matter if the pattern is disturbed, it will eventually happen.” The student shot back at the previous comment.
“Drew, Collin, both very interesting point of views. On one hand you have the fact that fate doesn't exist, on the other is that maybe the Greeks were right about the fact that the fates plan out our entire existence.” The high school teacher was impressed with the actual enthusiasm of his students. Ever since this topic had been brought up years ago, it was still popular among students.
Drew and Collin picked up their notes, and headed back to their seats on separate sides of the room.
Drew with the preppy, popular crowd and Collin with the alterative group.
School never did change, although he went to a school full of stuck up snobs with money. To think from boarding school to here. Of coarse he loved his job, but then he thought of the life he could have once had. All because he knew and saw too much.
Just then the bell rang, and the students filed out of his classroom in an eager manor as usual.
Mr. Logan gathered his bag, and left the school, considering this was the end of the day.
While walking down the hallway he smoothed back his sandy blonde hair, and kept his blue eyes locked on the door that lead to his unbelievably hot car, considering he supposedly lived off of a teachers salary.
When Mr. Logan reached the double doors he noted the fact that this was day 6801 of his disappearance from Harmony, and Ethan Winthrop ceased to exist.
Theresa Douglas stared quietly at her new home. She was still in shock she and her husband was able to afford a mansion, but it was the South after all.
“Hey.” Joey Douglas came up to his wife and gave her a small peck on the cheek.
“Hey.” She turned around and looked in to his green eyes she still couldn't read after 17 years of knowing the man.
“How do you like the new home?” he smiled.
“I love it.” She turned away from him looking back at the house.
Just then a brown haired, brown-eyed 15-year-old boy ran outside from the house.
“Awesome house!” he proclaimed.
“We bought it with your need for parties in mind.”
“Kool.” He said in a normal teenage boy way.
“I was kidding.” Theresa said sternly.
“Come on Mom, this house is like perfect. You can't tell me that I can't have any parties.”
“Yes I can.” She shot back.
“Dad?” Kyle looked in to the eyes of his father.
“I'm with your Mom son.” He saw the glimmer in Kyle's eyes disappear at that very moment.
“Figures. Anything else that can make this day worse?” he asked.
“You're starting school in 3 days.” Joey told his son.
“At least I don't have to go tomorrow.” He muttered, but Theresa still heard his comment.
“We aren't that brutal, having you start school on a Friday.” She told him.
“But my boss is.” Joey sighed.
“Wait a minute, you're not able to be here tomorrow!” the question was more of a statement.
“I'm sorry honey, but my boss wants me in tomorrow.”
“It's alright. You can't control your job.” She noted how often work had recently come up for him. Joey was barley ever home anymore, and she was always stuck in the one place he wasn't. She was starting to drift apart from Joey everyday and they both knew it. Unfortunately neither of the two did anything about their situation.
Due to this Theresa had recently started to have regrets of her marriage, and thoughts of the life she had always dreamed of. A life she could never know. A life with Ethan.
Kyle went on walking around his new neighborhood.
His parents always moved in to suburbia.
At first it wasn't that bad, but sometimes he wanted to live in the ghetto.
Just then he saw a football fly his way.
He was grateful that back in Chicago he played football.
Catching the ball by natural instinct, he noticed a group of kids run up to him.
“Nice catch.” One of them said.
“Thanks.” He muttered while tossing the ball back in to one of the guys arms.
“Never seen ya round here before. You new?” another guy asked.
“Where ya from?”
“All over.” Kyle tried to sound cool.
“Care to elaborate.” The apparent brain of the group walked up.
“Small town in Maine, Dallas, Denver, LA, Chicago, and New Orleans.”
Kyle could easily tell the guys around him were shocked.
“So…um, I'm Drew.” The `brain' introduced himself.
“Kyle.” He simply nodded his head thinking this was just like every other place.
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