Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction

Summer and Horomones Chapter 5

She froze.

20 something pairs of eyes locked on her every move. Every sound.

Every hint of emotion she felt was showing.

The preps all staring at her with the most hostile expresions she had ever seen.

The jocks mocking the incessant stuttering.

Her friends sitting in the back, smiling.

She hated it when people smiled. It was always a lie.

The only place people should be allowed to smile was where it counted, their eyes.

The punks. Basically ingoring her altogether listening to the CD's that could most likely get them suspended.

'I envy them for some reason.'

The dorks pretending to intentaly listen, while seceretly reading a book, it was the chaos of her school, and she just so happened to be the center of attention at the moment.

What did she do?

She froze.

In front of the people she was forced to face everyday.

People that enjoyed mocking her. This was leverge for the next year.

"Theresa?" the teacher calmly asked, trying to strike her out of the reality she longed for, and existed in her own world.

"Oh...right, yeah the uh..." she paused. "What am I presenting again?" she asked as a wave of laughter hit.

"You're side of the argument on wether or not cell phones are a good or bad thing."

"She looks like she'd about to need some serious CPR." Preppy cheerleader #1 called out.

"I'll do it!" the infamous class clown yelled out causing yet more laughter.

Normally she had a response to Troy's antics, but not now.

She looked up to meet his eyes, just to annoy him, but it wasn't him.

It was never him.

With a sudden bolt her vital signs then increased.

"Doctor!" the trainee nurse yelled out.

"What's happening?" he rushed inside the room with the young brunette.

"Something happened." the girl innocently replied.

"Ms. Greenwood," he checked the stats, "that is a good thing." he said seriously annoyed.

"OK, so what does that mean?"

"That means, you keep an eye on her, and if she gets any better we'll move her into a different room."



She heard a call.


He came running from his dount, most likely his break.

And he ran behind the infamous double doors.

The double doors where visitors are restricted from, and cause so much regret.

If only she was there and not on the other side of the teo swinging doors.

Around a minute later Pilar noticed the doctor come back out with an annoyed expression upon his face.

"What happened!"

"Nothing." he cointunied to walk on with an annoyed expression.


He didn't leave.

Come to think of it he rarely followed orders.

What was unknown to this town, his parents, and only known to a few was the fact that he was a master at the fine art of spying.

It probably involved the fact that his friend at his previous school happened to be the son of a field agent, even though he was only supposed to be a simple accountant.

With that tricks were taught and skills were instructed. He was fascinated up until his friend left.

His 'accountant' father had been proclaimed deceased.

He then decided to focus on the reality of situations, but he never forgot the skills.

Which was probably a good thing anyway, if there was ever a greedy man that attempted to pit pocket him on the streets of New York and such.

He was still grateful for that friend today.

Something else few knew about him, he had a curisouity streak in him. A very intrigued curisouty strek at the moment.

He slipped behind the double doors, making sure to thank the actually intellgent trainee nurse for her asstiance, which was rewarded with a sum of 200 dollars. Pocket change.

She took the money, and let him in to what seemed to be the sacred room to his house maid.

He saw her.

Most likley beautiful whithout the multiple scrapes and blood stains, but didn't reach full potential at the moment. Still she was a nice picture to look at.

He fingered the card attached to the girls bed.

Name: Theresa Lopez Fitzgerald
Situation: Pedstryian hit and run

'That would hurt.' he inwardly winced to the image of her getting hit by a car, utterly defenseless against the 100 pounds of metal.

It now ofically made sense why Pilar was upset.

Her own flesh and blood, her daughter, was in a car accident. The lady was a sucker for family. Something he had known for years.

She use to rave about her eldest son when he was just a young boy.  Antowane?

No, it was Antonio. Antowane was an African American name.

He just wished she had more daughters like this one.

For once he was very thankful for his curiousty streak.

Next Chapter (WIP)

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