Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction

The Wedding Chapter 2

Theresa waited by the door for Kay. She was supposed to be here 2 minutes ago. She was very nervous. Her kids obviosouly felt that.

“Mama, why you not stop walking?” Mackenzie asked.

Theresa stopped.

“Mama's just nervous sweetie.” Theresa tried to smile.
“Why you nervous?” Alex questioned her this time.
“I'm going somewhere I'm afraid to go.” Theresa took a deep breath.
“Are we going too?” Alex asked.

Theresa smiled. She loved those two kids.

“Yes, you're coming.” Theresa stopped walking.
“Yeah.” The two kids jumped up and down.

Theresa wished she could have that same attitude.

Then she heard the doorbell ring. Theresa ran to open the door, and found Kay standing there.

“Where were you?” she tried to keep her voice down.
“I was 5 minutes late.” Kay shot back.
“Sorry but we are going to Harmony, somewhere I don't want to go!” Theresa yelled.

Kay just laughed. Watching Theresa break down was something she had only seen once before, and it was always funny.

“Come on Alex, Mackenzie, where you go your mother will follow.” Kay lead the kids out to the limo.

“Yeah a limo.” Alex was content.

When Kay put the children in she went back for Theresa.

“You need to calm down.” Kay stood in the doorway.
“I can't Kay, it's Harmony.” Theresa fought against her words.
“Look, Whitney's expecting you, the luggage is loaded, your kids are waiting, and I gave you the luxury of a limo, you have to go.” Kay explained.
“Thanks Kay.” Theresa came to her senses.
“Now come on, we have places to go.” Kay pulled Theresa out of the house, and locked the door.


Theresa, Kay, Alex, and Mack all came off the terminal. It wouldn't be long until they got to see Whitney and Chad. Then the one thing Theresa and Kay both didn't want to happen did. Cameras. They were always there. Wherever she went. Expect this time they shouldn't have known she was here.

"Kay, get the twins out of here, I'll take care of the cameras." Theresa instructed.

Kay just picked up Mack and Alex, and left Theresa behind.


Kay walked up to Whitney and Chad in make out mode. They looked so happy. How could she ever destroy that. She lowered the kids down. They just stood there.

Then Alex went "ewwwwwww, Aunt Kay why they doing that?"

Kay lust laughed, as Whitney looked over at the three.

"You want to tell us something Kay." Chad smiled.
"These are Theresa's, and I'm back." she grinned.
"Welcome home." Whitney gave her a hug.
"Thanks." Kay knew Whitney never liked her.
"Uggh, I'm so annoyed with those press people." Theresa walked up.
"Resa, is that you girl?" Chad asked.
"Who else." Theresa smiled as Chad embraced her in a hug.

They four eventually let go of each other, and went to the next person.

"Girl you have a lot of explaining to do." Whitney looked down at Alex and Mack.
"Whitney, Chad, this is my pride and joy Alex and Mackenzie." Theresa smiled at her beautiful, yet devilish children.

They looked away from each other and pointed at the strangers infront of them.

"Aunt Kay, Mama, who dat?" Alex asked.
"That is you Uncle Chad and Aunt Whitney." Theresa smiled as Chad leaned down to their level.
"Hey there gotcha nose." He tried to adapt.
"Mama do we have to sit through this again." Mack was frustrated.
"No sweetie you don't." Theresa replied.

Chad leaned back up.

"Cute kids." he grinned.
"Chad, they've been around so many clueless adults at all those stuck up parities, they've had enough." Theresa let out her frustration.
"You go to those things now?" Whitney asked.
"Yeah, I'm forced to." she got annoyed.
"And I get to stay home." Kay smiled.

Theresa slapped her on the arm, only to be followed by the twins.

"See how you are influencing them?" Kay rubbed her arm.
"I've taught you well sky walkers." Theresa rubbed their heads.

Chad and Whitney stood on the sidelines and just laughed. Theresa really had grown up.

Next Chapter (WIP)

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