Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction
Christmas Reunion Chapter 2

Antonio led Theresa to the one place he always remembered brought comfort. Nobody expect him had ever been here. It was the perfect spot right now. His home away from home. The waterfall. Nobody else in Harmony had ever been here before. It was his spot.

"Where are we?" Theresa's face was still covered in tears.
"This was where I would come to think a long time ago." he whispered.
"It's beautiful." she looked up and saw the tiny pond at the base of the calm waterfall.

She was amazed to have never seen this place before. It was so peaceful and serene. The placement was just perfect. Between two tall mountains. There was a cave behind the waterfall. It hadn't been touched in years, if not touched at all.

"How did you find this place?" she asked.
"I was running around one day and I just found my way here." memories came flooding back to his mind.

She let go of his hand for a minute to inhale the fresh air. It gave a sense of relief. Like everything would be OK. It was the fantasy world she had dreamed of. The place she created in her mind, and it was real.

She sat down behind the waterfall. Only to be joined by her brother. He also gave her a sense of peace. They sat there if a calm silence for seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, it didn't matter anymore. It was just them. In this spot. Together. Brother and sister. Reunited. She then broke the silence.

"Why did you leave?" she asked.
"I would tell you, but then I would have to kill you." he gazed intently at the waterfall.

Theresa laughed a bit. She then noticed he wasn't joining her.

"You're not joking are you?" she looked over at him.

He looked back.

"No." he stared her straight in the eye.

Theresa was speechless. Had her brother gotten into so much trouble that he was forced to leave. Apparently so. She didn't want to act like a 5th grader interested in who he had a crush on.

"Oh." she didn't know what else to say.
"I saw it." he mumbled.

Theresa stared back at him. Still unable to talk.

"I saw everything. I heard everything. I paid. I suffered. I left." was all he said.

Theresa knew what he was talking about.

"Papa." she whispered.

He just nodded. She couldn't believe it. He knew what happened. Where Papa was. But they punished him before he could say a word. She couldn't begin to believe his pain.

"It was the son." he quietly mumbled.

Theresa's mouth dropped. At the time of Papa's death there was only two sons. But it couldn't be him. No way. It never could be.

"Which son?" she stuttered.
"The oldest one." he looked at the waterfall.

There was only one oldest son. It was him. It was Ethan.


"Therista, are you home?" Pilar called out while walking through the front door.

She was extremely concerned.  Theresa never came to Mass. Luis and Miguel walked through the front door.

"Mama, where's Theresa?" Miguel asked.
"I-I don't know." she broke down.

Luis ran over to her. She clung to him as Miguel looked on.

"Mama, we'll find her." Miguel declared.
"Miguel look through the house." Luis commanded.

Miguel ran upstairs while Luis stayed there with Mama.


"Ethan, darling are you out here?" Ivy called out to hr son.
"Right here mother." he replied from the church gardens.
"There you are. I've been looking all over for you." Ivy motored in on her wheelchair.
"Iv'e just been thinking." he looked out.
"Hopefully not about the slut Theresa." Ivy declared proudly.
"Just life in general." he continued to look out ignoring his mothers words.

There was a moments silence.

"I'm going to find Gwen." Ethan left.

If he was going to get to Theresa he would need a weapon other than himself. He would need her.

Next Chapter (WIP)

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