Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction

The Chosen One Chapter 10

"Who are you calling scrawny guy, shadow named Timmy!" Xandar was outraged.

"Scrawny guy better shut up or Timmy won't say anything about Tabitha." Timmy shot back from the dark.

Xandar was about to go on, but someone else got the chance to speak first.

"What do you know?" Willow asked.

"I know that she doesn't have Theresa. Something else does." Timmy was still in the dark.

"What is it?" Giles questioned.

"Timmy don't know. He just knows Theresa is going to die, and Tabby will be happy." he replied from the shadows.

"Where is she?" Xandar was intrestead in this subject.

"Timmy don't know. They dragged her somewhere." his voice was fading off.

"Where are you going." Willow yelled after him.

"She's calling Timmy. Timmy must go." he faded out before anymore questions.

"Where does he get off calling me scrawny guy. I use to be one, but look at me now. I'm not exactly scrawny anymore." Xandar started to ramble on.

"Come on Giles, we have work to do." the pair ingored him.


"Ethan." Theresa quietly mumbled as he was dragged into the cell beside hers.

"What did you do?" she looked up at the creature.

"Why do you care? Slayer." It snarled.

"There is no such thing as a slayer. I was just a pawn in a game." Theresa shot back.

He just chuckled and looked away from her.

Theresa looked back at Ethan.

He was completly out of it.

There was a bruise developing on his forehead.

She wanted to reach out and confort him.

But she couldn't.

She was too far away.

They were there.

He betrayed her.

He went back to Gwen.

But now he was here.

Close to her.

Again, but that couldn't happen.

This wasn't happening.

It was all a dream.

But she already tried the pinching thing.

How could this be real?

This screwed up prision?

There was no possible way this could be real.

Could it?

Then she noticed he started to lift his head.

"Theresa?" Ethan meekly said.


There was another unknown presence in the room.

Faith could feel it.

This was scary.

Why would someone else be here?

That was a stupid question.

To help Theresa and Ethan.

Mainly Theresa.

She was broken down inside.

And she didn't know what power she possesed.

She was the main hope

But still.

Who else was here?

The scooby gang was in Sunnydale.

Angel Invesgations was based in LA.

She was the only one who knew.

It was confidential.

Only her the PTB knew about this.

Ever since Buffy, not even watchers were summoned anymore.

They held no type of power.

They were mind controllers.

Faith knew from expirence.

They didn't even care about their students.

Everytime one of them died, they moved on quickly.

She assumed Giles was the only expection to this.

He at least cared.

She noticed the Ethan boy awake.

He was in for a shock.

Why he was here?

Who he was?

And this time it had nothing to do with a last name.

That boy was about to go through another identy crisis.

But he was the least of her concerns.

What was the other spirit.

She couldn't even see this one.

That was ironic.

She could normally see them.

They could normally be seen.

Then it hit her.

Who the other spitit was.

There was one person on Earth that was your complete opposite, yet your complete equal at the same time.

That was the one person she couldn't see.

Buffy must have died.

But who was Faith's replacement if Theresa was Buffy's?

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