Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction

The Chosen One Chapter 17

"What power could I possibly have?" Theresa questioned herself outloud, while sitting up.

"Theresa! Thank God your up!" Ethan proclaimed.

"Ethan what happened?" Theresa asked while holding up her head to prevent a feeling a dizzyness.

"You said something about being Buffy and just passed out." he replied.

"Who is Buffy?" Theresa looked over towards him.

"I have no clue." he stated.

"We have to get out of here Ethan." Theresa finally stated to truely see her surrondings.

"Thank you for that vital information." Ethan sarcastically shot back.

"Ethan." an irrtated Theresa groaned.

She figured there would be more heartbreak in this situation right now, but it was replaced with anger.


Which was good.

Rage and anger can be directed towards other people.

Heartbreak can only be directed towards one.

"Look Theresa, I know we are in a bad situation, but how bad off can we really be." he shrugged it off.

If there was ever any hope this man would obtain a brian, all of it quickly dissappeared.

"Look around you Ethan. We're in much deeper water than that." Theresa voiced her opinion.

"There are other people worse off." he again shrugged his shoulders.

How did he ever get a law degree?

"I don't think so." she replied.

"Why?" Ethan actually asked a logical question.

Theresa's mind immeditally went to Giles, Xandar, stake, books, supernatural, slayer.

Could it be real?

Were they telling the truth?

"Because of who I am." Theresa started knowing there would be more questions to follow.


"Is there anyone named Sam in this town." Willow asked Luis hoping this town was really that small.

"Yes there is." Luis got really sucpious.

"What is his son's name?" Willow earegrly questioned.

"Ethan, why?" Luis was about to burst, again.

"They must be having a feild day. We need weapons." Xandar already knew who Ethan was.

"You need a slayer." Spike cut into the conversation.

"What's a-" Luis was cut off by Xandar.

"Well we don't have one." Xandar shot back in his face.

"Then we'll use you." Willow came up with an idea.

"No way am I fighting the forces of evil anymore." Spike stood tall.

"What's-" Luis was again cut off.

"Spike there has to be some shered..." Giles tried to sound professional.

"huminaty. I'm dead remember." Spike assumed.

"I know you're dead. I was going to say there has to be some shread of you that doesn't want another acloyspe." Giles angeliy replied.

"What's a s-" Luis hated to be ingored.

"Actually it sounds better than being here." Spike stated.

"WHAT"S A SLAYER!" Luis burst out.

Everyone went silent.

"Someone who's destiny is to slay." Spike said sarcastically.

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