Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction

The Chosen One Chapter 18

"Theresa who the hell are you right now?" Ethan asked trying to go along with her.

"The chosen one." was all she would say.

Ethan would have laughed right then and there, but this wasn't a good time to joke around.

"They were right." she mumbled to herself.

"Theresa who was right?" Ethan asked.

"I can't say." She whispered.

"Theresa do you have any past insanity problems." he wondered.

"No. I just came into the right mind." Theresa looked away from him.

"Theresa I know this physctryist in New York. She's really good. She helped me try to get over..." he paused for second, "you." Ethan stopped.

Theresa slowly turned around to face him.

"You aren't over me?" she asked.


"Spike we I wanted to bulid up some big intro to what a slayer is." Xandar pouted.

"Yeah like me and Xandar found out." Willow followed in his footsteps.

"Well now that I've ruined your day I'm gonna go." Spike walked of back into the dark.

"What the heck does a slayer slay?" a once ingored Luis demended to know.

"Now we need Spike." Giles took off his glasses.

"Those things." Willow pointed behind Luis while backing up into Xandar.

"What things?" the enraged officer looked behind him only to see some creatures with disfigured faces.

And fangs.

"Come on." Xandar yelled out to Luis.

"No, I'll stay here." he pulled out his gun.

"Guns don't kill them!" Xandar screamed back at him while running to the brick.

Luis ingored his comments and fired the first bullet.

He watched it hit the creature that was ironcially still standing.

Luis took off towards the direction the others had earlier retreated to.

When he got there they were waitng frantically for something.

All of a sudden the ground started to move towards them.

"Come on." Xandar instructed as he rushed down the starircase.


"Hey!" Faith casually walked up to Buffy.

"Faith? We aren't supposed to see eachother." Buffy was confused.

"There's a loophole to everything in the universe. I mean how many prophies have you prooved wrong?" Faith laughed.

"Why are you here?" Buffy looked away from the girl.

"Me. I'm just a lonley spirit." Faith proclaimed.

"Were you banned to Earth or something?" Buffy asked.

"Temporiarly. To look over her." Faith looked in Theresa's direction.

"I was also sent to protect her." Buffy stated.

"Then what about the other?" Faith got concerned.

"I don't know if there is another." the blonde spirit whispered.

"That's impossible." Faith looked back over at Buffy.

"Remember, there's a loophole to everything in the universe." Buffy threw her own words back at her.

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