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Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction
![]() Who Knew Chapter 4
![]() Kate and Ruth looked over at Theresa.
Her face was pale.
"What's wrong?" Ruth asked turning around looking at Theresa and Justin in the back seat.
"Yeah. You've been out of it since you met that Kay girl." Justin commented.
"Who's Kay?" Kate asked without taking her eyes off the road.
"Breck's date." Justin replied.
"Were you jealous?" Ruth commented.
"No." Theresa responded.
"Yeah right." She nodded sarcastically.
"You all know I like Trey. Anyway Breck is a friend." Theresa cleared the air.
"Then why were you so weird around Kay?" Justin asked.
"I thought I might have know her. But I don't." she thought of an accpectable excuse.
"Reasonable enough. So, where to?"
"I have some homework to do. Drop me off at my dorm." Theresa replied.
"I'm with Resa." Justin stated.
"Drop me off at the movies." Ruth told her.
"Mind if I go with you?" Kate asked, completly forgetting about Theresa in the back.
Kay looked at Breck.
Wow. A collage student.
She never thought that would happen.
Two miracles in one night.
First Breck.
Then Theresa.
What was next.
Her Mom recongizing her.
Too far fetched of an idea.
She cointuned to stare at Breck.
His driving stance was so sexy.
It made him look so amazing.
Like he could carry the world.
"Watcha thinking about?" he could sense her eyes bearing into him.
"Life." Kay's answer was so simple yet so complicated.
"Care to share." he cointuned to stare at the road.
"Not really." Kay replied.
"Good cause I don't want to later on." she could see a smile develop on the right side of his face.
"Your friends are cool." she changed the conversation.
"Some of the best and most mysterious people on Earth." he told her.
"What do you mean?" Kay was intruged.
"Well do you remember Theresa?" he asked.
Kay would never forget Theresa.
"Yeah. I think so." she casually responded.
"Well she is one of if not the most popular girls at school and I'm one of her best friends, yet nobody knows nothing about her past. Where she came from or anything. Not even Ruth, who has roomed with her for the second year in a row." he didn't realize what he was saying to her.
"Weird." she allowed Breck to go on.
"I don't even know if she has family. I don't know her hometown. I feel like I don't even know my friends. Kate, Ruth, and Justin I feel I know almost everything. You know how some things are best kept private. But Theresa is different. I guess that's why she's so popular. That and every other guy at school, expect Justin and me, want to date her. Most likely more." he finished.
"Is she a virgin?" Kay asked the first thing that came to mind.
"Unless she lost that in her past, no. She has never once since I've known her." he couldn't believe how open he was being with this girl.
Theresa kept her promise.
It was a miracle.
"Now you know it's only fair that I ask personal questions about your life." Breck turned and gave a sly smile.
Theresa raced to her dorm room.
This was not her.
She couldn't get this way.
She couldn't allow any sucispions.
She couldn't.
She had to tell Kay.
She had to tell her not to tell Harmony.
She had to tell her she was happy here.
She had to.
Harmony could never know where she was.
She remembered Breck's work nuber by heart.
Then Theresa started to dial the numbers.
Not just for chat this time, but to tell.
"Hello this is the Microtel." a cheerful desk oprator answered the phone.
"Can you please connect me to a Kay Bennett." she stated.
"Sure thing." she immeditally connected her to Kay's room.
Theresa was suprised how simple it was to do that.
"Kay. Are you in there?" Miguel asked outside the door.
"Kay?" he hadn't gotten a response recentally.
Just then he heard the phone ring from inside her room.
"Kay!" Miguel screamed for her to open up the door.
He had no idea she was gone.
"Stand back Kay!" Miguel decided to charge, just as the phone cointuned to ring.
Miguel backed up.
Just then he barged through the door.
He looked around her room for a moment.
Where was she?
The phone beeped.
How did someone know she was here?
His thoguhts were soon innrupted by the message.
"Hey, umm Kay." a shaky voice started off.
"You probably know who this is, I just need to ask you to not tell anyone you know I'm here."
That voice. Where had he heard it before?
"I beg you. Kay, I'm happy here. I have everything I ever wanted. Please don't take that away from me Kay."
Miguel was intrestead in who this was.
"I'm not the same Theresa Harmony once knew. I'm happy now. Please. Well I've said everything I needed to say, so goodbye Kay."
The line went dead, but Miguel had heard enough.
Was it true?
Was it Theresa?
His sister.
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