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Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction
![]() The Hunt Chapter 1
![]() Theresa absently looked out the window staring at the freshly fallen snow.
For the first time in years she actually felt so bad she didn't attempt to go outdoors.
The last time her feelings were this grim was when her brother left.
But now it was something different.
This was the worst Valentine's day she had expirenced in her life so far.
'How could he?' her mind screamed.
'How could Ethan break up with her?'
She loved him.
He loved her.
It wasn't Ethan's belief in honesty that kept them apart.
If that was true he wouldn't even be speaking to his mother.
It was something else.
It was holding him back from their restlionship.
Then it hit her.
It was fear.
He was afraid of fully giving his full self to one person.
He was afraid she would notice his flaws, and he would no longer seem...
"Perfect?" Chad questioned.
"Yeah. Perfect." Ethan shrugged.
"Ethan, nobodys perfect." the man replied.
"Theresa is!" he pratically yelled.
"Is?" Chad grinned.
"Was." he corrected himself.
"Ethan you still love Theresa. Give her another chance."
"I can't Chad she wasn't honest with me." Ethan defended himself.
"If you keep saying that long enough you're eventually going to believe it." Chad arose from his chair.
"What does that mean?" Ethan asked.
"Ethan if you really cared about honesty as much as you say, you wouldn't even be speaking to your mom right now. You still love Theresa, but it's obvisous you're too scared to be with her. Dude do you have any idea how much I would love to have Whitney feel the same way Theresa does about you. I would give almost anything to have her admit she loves me, but here you are. You have someone who truly loves you, that you dumped, because you are afraid of a restlionship." Chad snapped at his best friend.
"Chad wait!" Ethan noticed Chad begin to walk away.
Ethan was about to call after him, but knew it would be useless, and decided to watch him go.
Leaving him alone with his thoughts.
The thoughts of one girl who most likely was putting a voudo curse on him.
A girl he still loved.
A girl who was a woman.
A woman that captured his heart.
A woman that he needed.
"Dear God what have I done?" Ethan spoke to no one.
He then immeditally grabbed his jacket, and rushed after Chad.
Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald went to answer the doorbell.
She had hoped it was Ethan with a dozen flowers begging for her to come back to him, but that would never happen.
She looked through the small window inserted in the door to see who her house guest was.
Figures. It was Whitney.
She turned the knob with a look of happiness and gloom attempting to mesh together on her face.
"Hey sweetie. I came to keep you company." Whitney smiled.
"Hey Whit. What happened to tennis?" she asked.
"I blew it off."
"Whitney." Theresa pushed the boundries.
"OK, it got cancelled, but I was going to blow it off anyway." she defended.
"It's OK. So do you have a Valentines date yet?" Theresa asked.
"No." Whitney dismally replied.
"You do know Chad is probably avaible. Not to mention he really likes you." Theresa hinted.
"I just want to spend V-Day with you on the couch. OK."
"Come on Whit. If I can't be happy, you at least should be." Theresa cointuned to push.
"Theresa no. I don't want a boyfriend right now. All I want is a friend."
"Really cause I want both." she sighed.
There was a deafining silince that fell across the room.
Theresa was first to speak.
"What are you thinking?" she asked.
"I can't get this song out of my head. I heard it about a week ago and I still can't stop thinking about it." Whitney sighed.
"What song?" Theresa asked while walking over to her infamous laptop.
"I don't know the title."
"What about the singer?" she questioned.
"I think it was Sarah Mc-somebody." she shrugged.
"Sarah Mclaughlin?"
"Yeah that's it. Why are you so intrestead.?"
"I've recently had a lot of time on my hands, and I've started to get into computers somewhat. I found this music thing that dowloads songs. I can burn you a CD now." she squealed.
"OK I just realized your life is more paftic than mine." Whitney laughed trying to keep of the subject of Ethan and Chad both.
"Yeah well after Ethan..." her voice trailed off to a depressing mumble, as tears started to flow.
"I'm sorry girl." Whitney walked over to her best friend and hugged her allowing tears to flow.
1 Week Later (Valentine's Day)
"Chad do you really think this will work. Not to mention how can I afford this?" he questioned.
"I promise man. It'll be worth it. Just go get ready, and I will take care of everything." he grinned widely as did Ethan.
"I hope she likes it." Ethan started for the door.
"I know she will man."
"Hope so." he walked out of the once abondoned warehouse just as Chad finished the last of the decerations.
"Hope this works." he followed Ethan's path to the door.
Chad reached the exit, and took one look back at the room he had spent all week fixing up.
This was it.
This was night where Ethan would finally do something for him.
He turned off the lights and walked away.
Miguel walked up to his home and slowly rifled through the mail box antipacting a paticualr letter from a university.
He with drew the letters stuffed into the Lopez Fitzgerald box o' mail.
"Bill, bill, Luis, Mama, Luis, junk, junk, credit card I can never have, University of Harmony..." he paused for a moment ingoring the one latter underneath the one addressed to him.
"Hey Miguel." Theresa walked up to him from the street.
She looked at the expression set as stone applied to his face.
"What's wrong?" she asked.
He just handed her the letter.
"I hope you get in." she took the rest of the mail from him.
"I can-can't open it Theresa." he said.
Theresa knew what he was getting at, but wanted to make sure.
"Do you want me to open it?" she asked.
"Yeah." was all he could get out.
She carefully undid the envelope for her younger, but taller, brother.
Then came time to read the application.
She scanned over the words until she found what she was looking for.
An expression of gloom over took her face.
Miguel immeditally noticed this, and looked down.
"I'm really going to miss you." she smiled as he looked up.
"What?" he was baffled.
"You got in." she couldn't help but smile for her brother about to do cartwheels down the street.
Miguel immeditally embraced her in a hug, and let go after a few seconds.
"I'm going to go find Charity." he dashed off.
She swore he did that little clap with his feet.
Then she looked away, and turned her attention towards the mail.
On top sat a small pink envelope addresed to her.
Despite the lack of a return address she opened the envelope in hopes that it was from Ethan.
'Get over him already. It can't be!' she scolded her self for the thought.
Theresa pulled out a note written on a simple peice of paper, and began to read.
Please forgive me. I never meant to hurt nor scold you. I
recently realized that it was I, not you that was the main
problem in this restlionship. I was so afraid to fully trust someone,
so everytime you screwed up, I immeditally got frightened.
Please forgive me.
There are 12 symbols laying around the town that represent
what we once had. Each will have a note attached. I would
normally come to you myself, but my new lawfirm requires
my services in Boston today.
Hopelessly in Love,
Ethan Winthrop
P.S. To find the first clue, start at the beginning of our restlionship (or whatever you want to call it).
Tears immeditally began to fall.
It couldn't be.
He didn't have to apolige for anything.
And now this.
She was in love with the sweetest man that walked the Earth.
And he loved her back.
Theresa felt tears begin to fall.
But for the first time since forever they represented happiness, joy, and excintment.
Just then she decided to start the hunt.
Theresa carefully placed the delicate note into her pocket, and ran down the street.
She found herself at the pier allowing the memories to guide her.
She remembered the moment she first laid eyes on him around this very spot.
Theresa aimlessly wandered arond yet another carnivial engrossed in the pages of her magazine, which plastered the face of the handsome Ethan Crane every other page.
All of a sudden she heard a man scream out in rage, right in her direction.
She jumped back in fear never catchong a glimspe at his face, just a wisp of blue.
"Did I do that?" she asked.
"There's no one else around." the stranger shot back in an aggravated tone.
"I-I didn't see the ladder behind me." she quietly stuttered.
"Why didn't you watch where you were going?" the question was more of a statement.
She immeditally felt enraged with this mans rudness.
"I said I was sorry." Theresa snapped at him.
"No you didn't." he paused for a moment "Now get me a rag or something." he demanded.
"Get it yourself." she walked away from the stranger drenched in blue paint.
He instenctivly went after her grabbing her arm, and pulling her back.
"Hey!" he screamed, "You can't just walk off after you dumped a whole can of paint on my head!"
"It was an accident." Theresa defended.
"The least you can do is get me something!" he snarled.
"Fine." she pulled her arm away from his noticing a blue splotch on her sleeve. "Oh my God. Look what you've done."
"What I've done?" he sounded startled considering he was the one with blue paint poured all over him.
"My new sweater." Theresa whined.
"I'm sorry." he spat in a sarcastic tone.
"Oh, my gosh. I don't believe this. You idiot! This is your fault." she yelled getting a better look at the spot of blue.
"My fault? Who knocked over the bucket of paint on my head?" he pratically scremed.
"You shouldn't have been standing there." Theresa said while wiping off her sweater.
"I shouldn't have - oh wow." he stated sarcastically.
"Look what you did to my sweater. And it cost a fortune!" she exclaimed
"Your sweater? Execuse me." he sounded so concided.
"This sweater was special. I wanted to wear it to impress a guy, and now it's ruined."
"Lady, you don't need a sweater to impress a guy. You need your sanity."
"You are so rude." was the best come back she could think of that didn't involve curse words.
"Oh I'm rude? This is surreal. I mean, I look like I got hit by a paint truck because of you, and all you care about is a little spot on your stupid little sweater." the words were directied towrard her obvisouly frightened peiete figure.
"Just go away or I'll have you arrested." she knew Luis would be glad to stick by her.
"How can I be arrested for something I didn't do? No, strike that, the cops in this town are as crazy as you are."
"I said go away." she whimpered.
"With pleasure." the man stormed away.
End of Flashback
Looking down from the clouds, which provided her daydream, she looked at a ladder next to her.
Atop the ladder sat a small can of paint with a blue envelope on the outside.
Theresa attempted to jump up and instantally gra,b the hopefully empty, can of paint as she had seen in movies.
Unfortuntally her petite frame was too short, so she ran to the side of the ladder and picked up the paint can.
After immeditally running back down, she had opened the envelope.
Inside was a simple necklace with a small metal rose as a charm.
It was one of the most beautiful things she had ever seen.
Holding it up to the sun the small rose shimmered.
Expecting to find a note, that she was promised, Theresa dug through the envelope yet again.
She quickly found it, and began to read.
I hope you like your necklace. You have no idea how
much I would love to be there to put it on for you.
Anyway, I assume you remember our first meeting.
I know I could never forget.
Anyway, for my next clue, I clearly remember smelling
like fish. If I know you at all, I can stop writing now, because
you would already know where to go.
Forever Yours,
She carefully folded the note, and placed it in to her pocket, and ran off to find her next clue.
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