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Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction
![]() The Hunt Chapter 2
![]() ![]() Series of Uptight Authors notes:
#1: I know, I know the charazation is terrible, it's just that I haven't written Passions in while.
#2: I also know Chick-fil-A is in the South, so Theresa shouldn't have heard about the place, but I'm a Southern belle, and I don't know any other chicken restraunts. Anyway Chik-fil-A is awesome!!!
#3: I'm sorry this isn't a long chapter, but I also didn't have alot of inspiration for this, and hopefully it's at least somewhat decent (I know I'm such a postive person).
![]() Theresa quickly rushed up towards the cannary. 'God it smells here!' she thought to herself.
Going around the back where the first of her countless accidents occured she looked for something, anything signifent to her.
Passing right by her desired item, a flash of gold caught her eye.
Back tracking a step or two, Theresa kneeled down. "X marks the spot." she dimly whispered to herself, maening this was the exact poit where the fish guts landed all over him.
This time it was choclates. A four piece set of chocolates. The ones with a snoopy on the front. A cute little Snoopy.
She had tried to collect those ever since she was a child. How he knew this, she had no idea, considering she never told him about her slight child hood obession.
Of coarse he also never really mentioned his childhood either.
Most likely due to the fact that he spent half his childhool with her worst enemy. Gwen
'You idiot.' she scolded herself. 'Don't think of her. Not today!'
She carefully placed her new candies inside of her purse.
Then Theresa began to search for a nonexistent note that she had been guarnteed.
But there was no note.
There wasn't a piece of paper with his curvy handwriting for her to envy or stare at endlessly.
There wasn't a letter that would lead her one step closer to him.
Just then she noticed something on the ground.
A tape palyer.
She then pressed the play button awaiting to hear his voice.
"Hey." it was Ethan. "I uh... bet you're wondering about the uh Snoopy thing, and how I found out." a very nervous Ethan. "It's kinda a long story."
"Whitney why are you watching Peanuts?" Ethan questioned while opening the door to Chad's apartment.
"I've never seen it before, and I wanted to watch a cartoon." she kept her eyes locked on the television.
"I hope it's intelluctually stimulating to you, considering that Peanuts was made for 3 year olds." he mocked.
"I'f you're looking for Chad he's in the kitchen." she urged the man to get away.
"What makes you think I didn't want to see you?"
"Apparently you don't like me due to my watching of Peanuts."
"Well I mean come on...it's a lazy dog, and a kid with a blanket." Ethan defended.
"Wait a minute, you're dating Theresa, and you don't like Snoopy?" she smiled, while taking her eyes off of the TV and pointing them in his direction.
"What does Theresa have to do with Snoopy?"
"You've never noticed have you?" Whitney asked.
"Noticed what?"
"When you first walked into Theresa's bedroom what did you see on the shelves.
He tried to mentally conjuer an image in his head of what her room looked like. In all honesty he usually kept most of his attention on the girl than her bedroom.
"I don't know?"
"Alright considering you were a sheltered child, I'll get to ther point." Whitney paused briefly. "You know how every Valentines Day and Easter Whitman's comes out with the little boxes of chocolates?"
"Not really. I usually got some French stuff."
"OK, well they have these little Snoopy figure things attached to them. She was obessed with them when she was around eight or somewhere around that time."
"You're kidding. Theresa?"
"She still collects them sometimes."
"I can't believe I'm dating a Snoopy freak." he commented.
"Was once a Snoopy freak. Not anymore." she paused for a brief second. "Chad's in the kitchen." she went back to the TV.
End of Flashback
"Well not really, but it's still a fair amount of size. Anyway for the next stop on your journey, let's just say you weren't exactly the best employee. Um.., realize I would only do this impression for you...cluck, cluck." Theresa burst out laughing at his lack of acting skills.
"I know you're mocking me right now, so basically I'm just going to assume you know where to go." the tape went silent, and her laughter dimmed.
On that note Theresa left the cannary in search of her next stop.
Ethan Winthrop anxiously paced through the Book Cafe, in all honesty, worrying the countless couples scattered throughout the place looking for privacy.
"Ethan?" he heard Beth call from behind her counter.
His attention turned towards her as he finally stopped pacing around the entire cafe.
"Are you OK?" she questioned with some slight apprenhension in her voice.
Practically running up to her, he closed the void from the one side of the cafe to the other into opposite sides of the counter.
"I'm kinda nervous." he whispered.
"I can tell. It's just that you;re beginning to scare the customers."
"Sorry about that. It's just this whole big thing tonight, and Chad is setting it up, so I have no idea what will happen, or even if she'll know where to go, or if she's at home right now watching Alias, and what if he's not done in time, or what if it takes her all night...."
"Ethan! You're rambling!" Beth intreppted his thoughts spoke aloud. "Here, just sit down, and have a latte or something"
"I'm upthigh by nature. I latte won't cure that."
"Yeah, but it will shut you up for a few seconds." she explained.
"Why aren't you out tonight?" Ethan attempted to make converstation.
"Because someone has to work here. I can't just trust the customers to pick drinks off the counter, and leave whatever they believe to be fair." she briefly paused. "What about you?"
"I'm waiting for something. I'm waiting for someone." his pitch lowered as he talked.
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
How pure, how dear their dwelling place.
And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!
The poem.
How he remembered that thing she would never be able to understand. It tool her 3 years to learn what year Columbus sailed to North America.
But he was always the pratical one. Most likely one of the best students any of his teachers encountered.
But the question still remained.
How did he remember?
Maybe it was like the first time she heard those very words spoken.
He looked into her eyes.
Unlike him, when she looked into his peircing blue eyes, all she ever could do was stutter. Even after months of knowing him, and having expirence she was still incapeable of looking into his eyes and not swooning, as Westren as that sounded.
She cointuned to look around the burned down site of the Chick-fil-A wannabe.
"I can't believe they never rebuilt this area." she commented to no paticular person, considering she was the only one around.
Looking up from her most recent gift, a framed copy of She Walks in Beauty, she bagan to look for a note...or a tape player.
Looking on the ground, and finding nothing, she knew he decided to be inventive again, and make this more challenging for her.
She cointuned to aimlessly search, coming up with nothing, other than a Double Bubble wrapper.
Once again she read her gift facing the frame towards her. While finging around the back of the gift, she felt a different material, that wasn't wood.
Instead is was something else.
A piece of paper.
A note.
In his handwriting.
Dear Theresa,
Hello again. I'm hoping you found the note easily enough.
I just didn't want to leave it out, in case it would have been swept
away due to the wind. Anyway your next hint is Pretty Woman. I know
a movie title isn't exactly very simple, at least not as much as your
previous clues, but I have full faith that you will figure it out.
'Pretty Woman? How did that ever work its way into their restlionship?' she questioned herself
'OK think. Pretty Woman: Story about a red-headed hooker. A rich, distant guy picks her up one day, and they eventually fall in love. Poor girl meets rich guy. They fall in love. They're both rich. The End.' she completed her anylasis on the film. 'How does that tie into our restlionship? Ethan's not rich anymore.'
She then read over the note again. That's when it hit her.
Movie Title.
As in movie.
As in movie theature.
As in where they shared their first kiss, just not on the lips.
'Oh God! How will I get into the movies tonight?' she asked herself.
Pretty Woman.
'That was clever.' she thought to herself, reffering to her boyfriend.
She then headed off to what she thought to be the next location.
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