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Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction
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![]() Jessica rushed outside upon hearing the ambulance sirens approaching the Bennett Bed and Breakfast.
She immediately noticed Theresa intently gazing at the body of the young Crane heir.
She carefully approached behind, easily being able to drown out any sound due to the sirens.
Just then the ambulance pulled up to Theresa and Ethan.
The young fashion designer continued to talk about the victim, unknowing of the paramedic looking somewhat south of her eyes.
Just then Theresa took her beautifully manicured nails, and lifted his chin to meet her eyes.
Apparently Theresa wasn't so stupid.
Just then she noticed a presence standing beside her.
Looking to her right Jessica noticed Miguel, Kay, and Simone staring at her.
"What happened?" Kay was first to speak.
"Long story." she told her sister.
"Oh well-" Miguel was cut off by the sound of a femine voice calling out for Jessica to come over to the scene.
He immediately looked at the person drawing his best friends, sisters gaze.
Looking over towards the scene he saw a young girl with brown hair and brown eyes.
He noticed she locked eyes with him for a brief moment and then turned back.
There was something so familiar about that girl he saw.
All but the sadness and pain that clouded her eyes.
He had never seen that much hurt in another pair of eyes that roamed the planet.
"Oh my God." Kay silently whispered to herself.
"What?" Miguel asked.
"Do you reonginze who Jessica is with?" Simone intruded.
"Yeah Jerry. He's a paramedic and friend of Luis's." the boy shrugged.
"No the girl." Simone said.
"No idea. Why?"
"That's Theresa Johnson. She's this major fashion designer." Kay practically screamed in excitement.
"Realize I've never kept up with the fashion world." Miguel shot back.
"Anyway, she's famous cause of her story and stuff." Kay continued on.
"What story?"
"Well it's pretty long, but in a nutshell it's abandoned baby makes the big time." Simone spoke once again.
"And why are you telling me this?"
"Who knows. Maybe one day you'll end up on a pointless quiz show, and the question standing between you and 1 million dollars would be, who is Theresa Johnson?"
"I don't think that would ever happen Kay." Miguel pointed out.
Just then Jessica walked back to her friends, while Theresa decided to go with the ambulance.
Even though she wasn't related or barley knew Ethan, the paramedic was still enthralled with her enough to bend the rules.
"I wish I could have that kind of power." Jessica sighed.
"What do you mean?" Simone asked.
"So far, from the little I've seen of this girl, men are always staring at her. You should have seen Uncle Hank earlier."
"I don't think any female, expect for maybe Pamela Anderson has that kind of power Jess." Simone laughed.
"Anyway Miguel didn't look all that interested in her." Kay spoke up.
"Something is different about her. It was weird, but I didn't even come close to being attracted to her." he was somewhat shocked by what he just said. He knew lesbians that would change their sexuality for that girl.
"See Jess." Kay pointed out.
"Yeah, but that's one guy out of the entire male population."
"Hey. It doesn't matter how many guys that are attracted to you. It's if the right guy is attracted to you." Hank came up from behind.
"Why are you here Uncle Hank?" Kay asked.
"I work for the mob. I was delivering a package." he said is a very mock serious tone of voice.
"Seriously." Simone commented.
"I found Ethan." he was actually telling the truth.
"So do you think he'll be OK?" Miguel asked.
"Hopefully. After all he is the only Crane worth being around." Hank shrugged.
Theresa felt the eyes of the paramedic scan over her body for about the 5th time in 3 minutes.
She tried to ignore the man, and concretate on the unconscious person in front of her.
She didn't actually know why she had even asked to come along.
It wasn't like she knew him or all.
'It's probably just guilt.' Theresa told herself.
"S-so,,, what is your name?" the paramedic interrupted her thoughts.
"Theresa." she gave a fake smile, and looked up at him for a brief moment. Only to look back down at the young Crane.
"Nice name." he couldn't think of anything else to say or ask her, allowing Theresa to once again become lost in thought.
Or right now more specifically the man that was laying before her.
She noticed his eyes were shut.
Being a fashion designer, Theresa had taken the hobby of people watching.
In this process she would always make up a persons life.
It was one of her favorite past times.
Looking down at his eyelids, she thought of what was behind the slim barrier.
According to her favorite foster parent the eyes revealed everything.
Your true age.
Your soul.
Your demons.
Your life.
The truth.
She pondered what his eyes would hold.
She continued to gaze down at him until she came up with an answer.
Unhappiness with a hint of thankfulness.
A very rare quality to find in the rich.
But it was seldom Theresa had been off.
That same foster parent had also taught her how to read the essence of a person.
Most people would call that lady physco, which she seemed, but that didn't come close to describing the wonderful lady.
Theresa somewhat frowned remembering the lack of communication she recently held with anyone from her childhood.
But she had no need to.
Very few people actually cared for her, let alone helped her in any way what so ever.
"Were here." a voice brought her back to humanity.
"Great. Another hospital." Theresa sighed.
"What? What do you mean? This can't be possible." sobs racked Theresa's body.
"I'm sorry Miss. The wounds were too much for him." the doctor hated giving out this type of news.
"He was rescuing me. It wasn't his fault James was a drunk man with a gun!"
The doctor was taken aback with this news.
"Exactly who is James?" he asked.
Theresa could barely hear his question, but it was just enough.
"My foster father." she continued to sob.
This was still so much like a nightmare.
Ryan was the only person that had ever looked out for her.
The only one to ever love her that she could fully trust and love back, even though they were only 16.
And he saved he life.
Ryan had taken the bullet instead of her.
"I'll notify the police." the doctor found it strange he was so interested in this personal matter, but this girl was so young, and from the bruise that rest on her arm and the many others around her body, obviously beaten.
Theresa simply nodded still getting over the shock.
Or even being able to comprehend the idea.
It was from that moment forward she decided that never again would she ever love or trust another human begin that walked the planet.
End of Flashback
That one decision made her the ruthless business woman she had grown up to be.
It was so easy to not care.
Much easier than to care.
Just then Theresa looked down at Ethan.
'Hopefully this hospital visit won't be as dreadful as the last.' she thought to herself while climbing out of the ambulance.
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