Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction

Summer and Hormones Chapter 3

Lyrics from Trust Company's Downfall.

Fear in me so deep it gets the best of me

They said she didn't want to see. Know.

But she did.

"Even I could barley handle it Whitney." Paul claimed.

But it only made her more curious.

Curiosity killed the cat.

Pushing through the barrier that was her two other best friends she finally got to see the one thing she never wanted to.

Red. it was the first word that popped into her mind.

Incessant red swirls. Speed increasing until it burst.

The red still flowed freely over the, now tainted, pavement.

She moved the only way her body would allow. One step forward.

Left foot red.

Right foot red.

She then halted.

Unable to force herself to move in anyway possible.

She was incapable of being able to force herself to move. To pull her best friend's stained hair out of the way or to wash the blood away.

But she let it flow onto the bottom of her new sandals.

Memories raced through her mind, which kept chanting 'do something.'

But she didn't.

"Theresa why are we sneaking out to Kroger at midnight." Whitney complained. "I see no logic in this."

"Because it's open 24 hours a day, and we're taking advantage of that fact Whit." Mandie intruded.

"My Mom's gonna kill me."

"That only gives us more incentive not to get caught." Theresa finally spoke.

Later that Night

Mission outline:

Sneak out.

Have fun.

Get snacks.

Sneak back in undected.

"Where were you all!" Pilar demanded to know as she flicked on the light switch, revealing 3 girls with two shopping bags each.

Mission failed.

In the fear I fall, here it comes face to face with me

It was just an hour ago that she had found her. Blood still stained her sandals, but the pavement had it worse.

"What?" Whitney defensively asked when Jason looked over towards her. The sandals.

"You gonna be alright?" he questioned.

'Alright! Was she going to be alright! Her best friend was in ICU for getting hit by a car, because of the person asking if she would be OK! Did she look just alright!' he mind screamed.

"Too soon to tell." she blankly replied.

Jason looked away that instant, fearing he had angered her enough. The look on her face said it all.

Here I stand hold back so no one can see

"Pilar what's wrong?" Ethan questioned, trying to be the one thing he had never been trained to be.

A friend. A confort.

'There are shrinks for that.' his preparatory school claimed.

She kept crying. Tears falling limply from her battered eyes.

They usually held so much pride and hope.

She finally composed, what she was able to, of herself and announced, "If I may request to take the day off early."

He wanted answers now. He wanted to ask what the problem was. But his words betrayed him.

"Absolutely." he muttered.

She then scampered out the door. She had forgotten her jacket. Her gloves. She even forgot to take off her uniform.

Which was fine with him because he wanted an execuse to follow.

I feel these wounds, step down, step down, step down

"Luis, Miguel. Thank God." Jason ran up to the two boys who had just walked in the door.

"What the hell happened?" Luis demanded to know.

"We were racing over to Whitney's, and she fell behind for some reason. Something must have happened, because she got..."

"hit by a car." Luis finished in a monotone voice.

Miguel still stood motionless.

"Where's Mama?" he finally spoke. "I called her."

"At work?" Luis questioned.


"When'd you call her."

"10 minutes ago."

"She won't be here for another 10." he sharply stated. "or more."

An unpleasant silence filled the antomsphere.

"I'm sorry." Jason whispered.

"You're sorry!" Luis burst out. "My sister. My little sister is in a coma because of you, and all you can say is sorry!"

"What else can I do right now. I don't have a medical degree Luis." he started to cower.

"That still doesn't change anything, so don't tell me what you can't do or don't have. I'd rather sit in silence."

With that final word he stormed off to sit down next to Whitney.

Am I breaking down

"It was too perfect." Miguel muttered.

"What?" Jason questioned his ramblings.

"Everything was too perfect. Life was too good for too long. We were finally becoming a family again." he went on.

Jason just looked on.

"I should have known."

"Known what?"

"Miguel wait up!" Kay ran towards him with a distressed look on her face.

"You alright?" he asked.

"No." she stated. "Ever heard of the rubber band theory."


"Must be a no."

"What is it?" he calmly asked."

"You can only strech a rubber band so far before it breaks."


"My rubber band broke. Everything was perfect up until this afternoon."

"What happened?"

"Snap." she stated with a grim expression on her face.

"It broke." he had the same grim expression plastered across his face, while Jason just stared curiously at him.

Can I break away

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