Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction

Summer and Hormones Chapter 4

Do you remember the time?

A simple statement that somehow came up almost everyday.

Do you remember the time that Paul told everyone his Mom died so he could get away with a late project.

Do you remember the time when we went to Dairy Queen, and they literally closed on us, because we kept them open till midnight, even though they close at 10.

Do you remember the time when about 30 something of us went to the movies and got kicked out for being too loud, but we still didn't leave.

"You did all that?" Paul asked looking over at what Whitney was writing.

"What do you think your doing!" she snapped.

"There's nothing else to do." he defended.

"So what you decided to spy on me?"

"If that's how you put it yes." he defended.

He then took a seat across the room unable to take his eyes off of her.

Whitney then went back to writing, mindlessly scribbling thoughts onto the piece of paper infront of her. Eventually she looked up at her enemy for the moment.

"Yeah. It all happened before you moved here."

"What?" Paul looked up hearing her slight whispers.

"Yeah. We did all that stuff." she paused momentarily, "At the movies Mr. Bennett wouldn't allow any one to touch his 13 year old son, so we basically stayed there with about 50 adult chaperons keep their eyes locked on us. After that when Noah got home he got grounded for about a year I think. Something about his Dad's rep." she explained.


"Mr. Bennet's son that eventually  found his way to prep school. He and Theresa were the unofficial couple that never happened."

"How come I never heard about him then?" Paul questioned.

"Cause he was considered old news by the time you got here. We still talk to him though every once and a while."

"What about the Diary Queen thing?" he fished around for answers.

"We..." she stopped. "Me and Theresa," tears welled up. "We huh, went to Dairy Queen one night after a football game I think, and we stayed there all night just eating fries and ice cream. That and yelling at the cars." she gave an attempt at a smile through her pained expression.

"What!" Paul playfully stated.

"We were outside yelling at all the cars. Me, Mandie, and Theresa."


"She moved before you got here also. She was our best friend since - forever."

"Is she hot?" he smiled while blocking a playful slap from the the oldest Russell.

"I haven't seen her since, like, 2 years ago."

"I'd really like to meet all these people."

"No you don't." she stated grimly.


"Mama!" Miguel raced towards the hysterical parent.

"Miguel." she clung to her youngest son.

"How is she doing?"

"I have no idea." he stated.

"Mama." Luis raced over to the two.

"Oh my dear mijo." she then embraced him.

"They won't give us any information." he stated while pulling back.

"Then they should give me some." Pilar stated with a gloomy expression plastered across her face.

With that she turned her heel towards the front desk.


'Who were these people?' the first thing Ethan's mind questioned.

He really needed to get out more.

The only person that was recognizable to him was Pilar, the rest of the people, or teenagers, were just huge blurs.

He hesitantly removed himself from his hiding position, making his way toward the woman.

"Ethan!" she shrieked out in astonishment, as eye contact was made. "What are you doing here?"

"Uhh...um..uhh." all he could do was stutter, getting some rather cold stares from other occupants in the room. She had to use his first name.

"Ethan!" she snapped.

"You forgot your coat." he finally got out.

"Why didn't you give it to one of the maids?"

"Because the thought never occurred to me." which was the truth.

"Go home before your mother finds out where you are." she commanded.

"Are you alright?" the subject automatically changed.

"Yes I'm fine. Now go."

"What's wrong." concern written all over his face.

"Just go Ethan." Pilar was on the verge of tears.

Not even attempting to retaliate, he simply turned around, and began to walk towards the door, but not before placing her coat down on some nearby chairs.

Countless eyes followed his stride to the door, knowing they would probably never see him again, but Pilar looked away, afraid he might turn back around, and bear his gaze into her. She wouldn't be able to handle that.

She could barley handle everything now.


Every time Whitney Russell was ever down she was always told to go play tennis. Take your anger out at the ball.

It was obvious they had never played a day in their life.

Although they meant well, it never helped.

In all honesty whenever she revealed personal feelings on the court she would usually hit the ball over the fence, due to lack of concretion of coarse.

Now I'm assuming you would never have any use for this random piece of information, but it's just annoying to fear.



"Wanna go play some tennis. You know take it out on the ball?"

'I wanna take it out on your balls, but I'm too nice to do anything.' she inwardly smiled to herself.


"No?" he sounded as if that he had never been turned down before.

"Like I said, no."

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