Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction

Winter Break Chapter 1

Ethan and Kay were looking up at the old Hotchkiss mansion.

It was finally sold.

The Hotchkisses were out of Harmony for good.

That sign in the lot confirmed it.

They ruined Harmony.

Now they had a new family to deal with.

Nobody had seen then yet.

They were probably getting in tonight.

The movers were already there.

But what if this new family was worse than the Hotchkisses?

What would they do?

They only got lucky last time when the last family went broke.

There was a party in town for the next 24 hours.

But that was old news.

There was a new family in town.

Hopefully they were nice.

Or had people his age.

A junior in high school.

Or at least his sisters age.

Or maybe they were another rich bitch family that was stuck up and snobby.

Whoever they were Ethan Bennett wanted them to get to Harmony.


He wanted the Hotchkisses gone for good.


Theresa looked out the window.

She thought about her life.

She thought about Drew.











And Dave.

Her friends in Miami.

Her boyfriend of a year.

Her life.

Her family.



Everything else in between.

Like the parties.



And now this.

Moving away.


Away from home.

The place she had known all her life.

Now she had to go to Harmony.

A small town.

Up in Maine.

The north.

Where it was cold.

Not like Florida.

Florida was warm.


And sunny.

Nothing like this new place.

She may have not been there before, but she knew about it.

Josh told her.

He used to live up in a small town up north.

He said it was better in Florida.

He was right.

It was getting colder already.

She could feel it.


Miguel looked over at his sister.

She was probably thinking of Josh.

And the life she left behind.

Miguel couldn't see why Theresa was so bummed.

He had the same type of life she did.

Why would she be depressed?

This could be a new beginning for all of them.

Even though they didn't need it.

His family was perfect on the outside.

Luis was one of the best quarterbacks around.

Theresa was named all American.

He was star of the baseball team.

They all had A honor role.

On the outside they seemed perfect.

The inside was different.

They rarely ever saw each other.

Papa was gone.

Antonio was gone.

Paloma was gone.

They were left to fend for themselves.

But they did.

Everyday was a battle.

Just to see Mama during the day was an acclompishment.

He envied those families with free time, and saw each other everyday.

He would give anything to see has Papa.



He barley knew them.


Now he was sounding just like Theresa.

He hated sounding like his sister.


Kay was looking at the look on her half brothers face.

She wondered what his reaction to Gwen's house being sold would be.

They were dating for so long.

Then she suddenly dumped him.

He wouldn't say why.

She just did.

She noticed his face had a look of happiness on it.

You would think he would be sad or something.

But he wasn't.

Not even close.

Then she spoke up.

"You don't look upset." she said.

He turned towards her.

"That's because I'm not." he said with a smile on his face.

"Why did you break up?" she paused. "I mean you've never told anybody." Kay said.

"She cheated on me." Ethan paused as he noticed the shocked look on Kay's face.

Then he started to speak up, "With a woman." he said trying not to laugh.

Kay's jaw dropped.

She couldn't believe Gwen was a lesbian.

"That's not the best part." Ethan stated.

Kay looked over at him about to laugh her head off.

"The Hotchkisses gave me stuff not to tell." Ethan smiled happily.

Then Kay looked over at his BMW he claimed to have won at a raffle.

Then she started to laugh.

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