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Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction
![]() Winter Break Chapter 3
![]() Theresa tried to look back, but something kept her facing forward.
All she could see were the swirling colors coming together.
Again, she tried to turn her head back, but it felt as if a pair of hands kept her facing forward.
Toward the colors.
Then she spotted an exit.
A door.
She reached out, but a sharp pain came to her in the process.
She pulled back.
But the door came closer.
She again tried to reach out.
This time the pain was worse.
She again pulled back.
The pain was gone again.
But the door drew even closer.
Theresa had to know what was behind it.
She again reached out her hand.
The pain was twice as bad.
But before she could pull it back the door came straight to her.
Like it was made only for her.
The knob soothed her pain.
She then slowly began to turn.
Then her eyes bolted open.
She checked her surrounding for the colors.
All she could see was a sea of boxes.
An ocean of cardboard.
And she was in the middle with her sleeping bag.
She felt a chill go down her spine.
This place felt so eerie.
Like many evil deeds were done here.
This didn't feel like home.
Home was someplace safe.
This was not.
She knew it.
Even if her family didn't.
They were all so physced to move into a mansion, they didn't realize what they were leaving behind.
But she did.
How could she live here?
In this place.
Then she arose from her sleeping bag, and went downstairs.
Ethan's eyes suddenly flew open.
He never got a chance what he was saving.
What was behind the door.
It was the freakiest dream he had ever had.
It must have been due to his lack of sleep.
He had been studying all night for finals.
Much like Kay.
Jessica didn't have finals, she was still in Jr. High.
He decided to get some fresh air.
When Ethan looked out the window he saw that his prayers of no school had been answered.
There was about 1 1/2 feet of snow on the ground.
No way would they actually expect kids to go to school today.
"SNOW DAY!!!" he heard Jessica yell from down the hall.
Then he heard Kay pound on the wall for her to shut up.
He was glad to be part of the Bennett's.
Even though he wasn't fully one.
Grace wasn't his mom, but Sam was his dad.
He wished to know who his real mother was.
He never knew her.
But he had a great family right here.
In Harmony.
The only home he ever known.
The only place he wanted to be.
Luis walked up to his sisters door.
He was still amazed that there was snow.
The last time he saw snow was when he was forced to chaperone a mid-high ski retreat for his church.
He couldn't even remember the last time he enjoyed the stuff.
He knocked waiting for an answer.
How he so wanted a snowball fight with his twin sister.
"What are you doing here?" Theresa came up from behind him.
She was totally irritated.
"Have you looked outside yet?" he asked keeping the same grin on his face.
"What are you so damn happy about?" Theresa continued to spread her negativity.
"Just look out the window." Luis stood firm.
"Whatever." Theresa said in a dismal tone.
Then she went to look out the closest window.
Her eyes widened at the site.
Was she really seeing snow.
She didn't even notice leave.
She just couldn't believe it.
The last time she saw it up close was about two years ago.
Luis was now back, but armed.
All of a sudden Theresa felt a cold, wet substance on her leg.
She looked up.
There was Luis laughing his head off.
"You are so dead." she said while putting a smile on her face.
'Theresa is always an easy target.' he thought to himself.
Whitney slowly came out of her deep sleep.
Then she picked up the phone, not aware of the time.
"Hey Whit." she was greeted by a friendly voice.
"What?" you could definitely tell she just woke up.
"The whole gang is meeting up at the Book Cafe in about an hour, just wanted to warn you." Sheridan replied in a perky voice.
"What are you talking about, we have school today." Whitney sat up in bed.
"Since you obvisouly just got up, look outside." Sheridan told her.
But Whitney knew what she was talking about.
"Snow day!" she screamed out.
Sheridan couldn't help but laugh.
"Yeah, so we'll see you there?"Sheridan asked.
"Duh, of coarse I'm there." Whitney was now wide awake.
"C ya." Sheridan said as she hung up the phone.
Whitney followed.
She couldn't believe it.
Just what she prayed for.
And it was finally here.
She quickly went to get dressed.
Miguel started to open his eyes.
"You're so dead." were the first words he heard.
He quickly got out of his sleeping bag, and ran to the door.
He saw Theresa chasing Luis down the steps, and to the backdoor.
The last time he saw them like this was when they had..."snow." Miguel whispered to himself.
He looked out a window.
His suspicions were correct.
Miguel immediately raced down to the backyard.
It was freezing, but he didn't care.
All of a sudden he felt a snowball hit him in the back.
He turned around to see his sister and Luis had ganged up on him.
Only Theresa had bad aim.
Luis on the other hand had perfect aim.
"Do you two really want to gang up on a pitcher." Miguel started.
His answers were confirmed when he felt another ball of snow from behind.
This time it was Mama.
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