Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction

The Wedding Prologue

 This story takes place 3 years in the future. Sheridan and Luis were married, and are living happily ever after, Theresa was pregnant with Ethan's children, but at the time she thought it was Julian's, so she ran away to NYC. Chad and Whitney are engaged and they are not brother and sister. But Chad and Simone are. Kay also ran away to New York to get over Miguel, and found Theresa. They became best friends and not only went in to business together but became roommates with her daughter and son. Rebecca and Ivy realized their feelings for each other, and went to live somewhere far away where they would be accepted as a couple. Gwen is lonely, but isn't obsessed with Ethan anymore. Instead she's obsessed with Luis. And so begins this story.


“Hey check this out.” Kay yelled for her friend from the desk.
“What is it?” Theresa responded while walking back from the dressing rooms.
“The paper.” Kay pointed it out.

There it was. Her best friend, other than Kay, right on the front cover. Apparently she was set to marry Chad. He had recently become the owner of the top record label in the music business. He had signed Emma, Central Point, and Kismet.

“Why are you showing me this?” Theresa asked
“You want to go.” Her friend responded.
“WHAT!!!” Theresa was shocked. How was she going to introduce her kids to everyone. What would they think?
“Come on. Whitney is one of your best friends, and I think you brothers would like to see their nephew and niece. Not to mention Pilar would love to see you.”
“It's just I haven't spoken to these people in 3 years” Theresa said.
“Come on. It'll be fun. I haven't spoken to them in 2 years.” Kay responded.
“You don't have children to offer” she shot back.
“OK if you don't want to go. But I think your mom would like to put out your candle.”

She's right. My family is probably worried sick. I can't believe myself. I'm being so selfish' Theresa thought to herself.

“When is the wedding?” Theresa mumbled
“That's the spirit.” Kay said enthustically.

Theresa was nervous. What if Ethan was still there. She couldn't face him. It would be too hard. What would she say? Hi Ethan, long time no see. Oh yeah you're a father. He'd laugh right in her face. She couldn't face him.

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