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Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction
![]() The Wedding Chapter 1
![]() Ring-Ring-Ring
“Hello, Whitney Russell speaking.”
“Umm, hi Whit.”
Whitney knew where she heard the voice before.
“Yeah it's me.” She responded while holding the phone away from her ear.
“Oh my God” Whit screamed in to the phone.
Whitney was shocked. She hadn't heard Resa's voice in years. She read some articles about her success in the business world with her chain of stores, Fate.
“Theresa. I can't believe it's you.”
“Yeah it's me.”
“Well what brings you to call my humble home”
“I wanted to ask you if I could go to your wedding?” She said unsure of herself. What if Whit said no? She would seem like an idiot.
“Under one condition.”
“Name it.” Theresa replied.
“You will be my maid of honor.”
Theresa was shocked. She thought Whit hated her. As it turned out she still wanted to be friends.
“Resa, you there?”
Now it was Whitney's turn to hold the phone from her ear.
“Can I have one request Whit?”
“Sure anything.” Whitney said while wondering what she wanted.
“Can I bring three guests?”
“Girl how many men are you dating” Whitney laughed at her remark.
“Very funny. Kay wants to go, and I have a huge surprise for everyone.”
“I don't like surprises” Whitney said in her own way.
“Then I assume you don't want to meet the two most important people in my life.” Theresa said confidentially.
“Bring em down.” She replied.
“Now did I hear you mention Kay. She ran away” Whitney asked questioningly.
“We met each other up in NYC. She's my business partner” Theresa said with pride.
“So that's where you are.” Whitney was surprised. She didn't think Theresa would pick a place so obvious.
“Yeah. Well I g2g Whit. Do me a favor.”
“Anything Resa.” It felt so good talking to her again.
“ Don't tell anyone but Chad Kay and I are coming. I want to surprise everyone.”
“Sure Resa. I missed you.”
“Me to. Bye Whit.”
Theresa and Whitney hung up. Then Whitney immediately dialed Chad's cell.
“You better not be kidding me Whit” he paused for a minute then spoke in to the phone again. “That's amazing. Bye gotta go girl. Love you to” Chad said as he hung up his cell.
“What was that about, Chad?” His best friend Ethan asked.
“Surprise” Chad responded with a smile on his face.
“What kind of a surprise?” He asked with curiosity.
“The one you aren't clued in on.” He shot back. “But it's a good one.”
“I would hope so” Ethan replied.
Ethan hadn't heard much good news after Theresa disappeared. He would do anything to see her again. Sure he had gone on a few dates in the post-Theresa era, but he couldn't get over her. He still loved her. He wanted more than anything to be with her.
“So what do we do tonight?” Ethan asked.
“I have a miniature party to help plan. You, I don't know what you have to do tonight.”
“What party?” Ethan asked.
“A party that has to do with the surprise.” Chad responded
“I guess I'll call Luis then. He's trying not to be alone anymore, I think Gwen is stalking him or something.” Ethan stated.
“That girl needs some serious help.” Chad said
“Yeah, she really needs to get a life.” Ethan replied.
“See ya man.” Chad said while he walked away.
“Same.” Ethan said.
“I just can't believe they are both coming back Whit.” Chad was still shocked.
“I know, and both at the same time.” Whitney was equally astonished.
“How do you think Harmony's going to react?” Chad asked.
“I'm still not sure, cause of Theresa's surprise'.” Whitney stated.
“Any clue what it is?” Chad asked.
“I think she's married with one kid.” Whitney replied.
“What makes you say that?” Chad hoped that Ethan and Theresa would get their happily ever after.
“The fact that she said you are going to meet the two most important people in my life.” Whitney looked him straight in the face.
“Well we'll find out soon enough won't we.” Chad looked at his fiancée.
“Tomorrow.” Whitney and Chad drew closer.
“Yeah tomorrow.” Whitney stood still as Chad tucked a piece of hair away from her face.
Chad then pulled Whitney in for a passionate kiss.
Kay looked around her apartment. It had gotten lonely ever since Theresa, Alex, and Mackenzie moved out. They found a house of their own, which left Kay here. In the cold, drafty apartment. The mood of this place changed with her. It was still beautiful. It always was. The apartment had a balcony that oversaw most of New York. Not to mention it was just a block away from the shop.
Theresa's shop.
Kay's shop.
Their shop.
Kay remembered how Theresa was so kind to her. Especially When Theresa was twice as bad off as she was. Theresa had two children to support. A store. An apartment. And she still made a name for herself. In between that she helped Kay. Gave her a job. And place to live.
Kay looked over at the store.
It was located in Times Square.
That's what made them famous.
TRL came in one day, the next the store had people backing up half a block to get in. She even got to meet Carson Daly, Mariah Cary, Brittany Spears, Mandy Moore and other big names, because of that shop.
She loved New York.
It held so many good memories.
Unlike Harmony, which held so many terrible memories.
How could she talk Theresa into going home, when she wasn't even ready herself?
It was hypercritical.
Now Kay was going to Harmony too.
But once again Theresa had it worse off.
She had to introduce her children to Harmony.
To Ethan.
Their father.
But Kay still had to face Miguel.
She didn't worry about Charity anymore.
She got hauled off to Glory Insaneisuliuem.
Kay saw it in the paper.
She always knew that girl was a time bomb.
Then she put on her radio to Madonna's version of American Pie.'
Theresa couldn't stop pacing. She was going to get back at Kay for convincing her for going. She hadn't been this nervous since her first fashion show. She thanked god her kids were asleep otherwise they would be asking so many questions right now. Then it hit her.
The kids.
How would they react to meeting her family? Their family. Their blood. How would her family react to meeting them? How would Ethan? She couldn't face these questions now. She had to help Kay. She had too many other things to keep her mind busy in these next few days instead of Ethan. But Ethan conquered them all. He always did.
Then she looked around her. This beautiful house proved she made it. Her kids proved she made it. Her shop proved she made it. She proved she made it. All on her own. Without Ethan.
If she had made it this far she could overcome this obstacle. Harmony.
Pilar looked down at her favorite picture. It was of the whole family. That picture was taken over 17 years ago. How could this happen to her family?
She dearly missed her Theresita. But she was gone. Far away. She had heard he name mentioned a few times, but that was about it. Miguel was devastated after Kay left. Luis suffered through a miscarriage with Sheridan. Paloma wouldn't eve speak to her. The others were gone. Lost. Maybe dead.
Pilar still loved her family. She still lit her candles every night.
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