Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction

The Chosen One Chapter 4

Theresa was so tired.

She stayed up until 2 AM working on homework, because of her `meeting'.

Of coarse she got a verbal lashing from Luis when she got home.

And to top it all off she had a hectic day at school.

Right now she wanted to go straight to bed, but no she had training.

She had just pulled into the parking lot of the Harmony Health Center.

Theresa stepped out of the jeep, and walked up to the front doors.

She looked around to make sure nobody was watching her.

Then she slowly removed the brick and typed in the numbers, 24679.

She watched as the sidewalk opened, and walked down the staircase.

The place was dark and gloomy, but in a sense refreshing.

Just then a piece of wood came flying toward her.

“Giles!” she screamed in outrage.

“The element of surprise is crucial.” He stated in his normal depressed voice.

“What was that thing?” she demanded to know.

“It's called a steak. You use it to kill vampires. But it only works when you hit them in the heart.” Giles said while pouring out facts.

“Oh.” Theresa just stood there.

This was all new to her.

“You will need to keep one at your house.” He said.

“Why?” Theresa asked.

“The witch summomed vampires, no telling when they show up.” Giles said yet again in his gloomy voice.

“Who is the witch?” Theresa kept asking questions.

“I can't say. We can't let her suspect you know you are the slayer. She knows it though, and will use it to her advantage. That's where the element of surprise comes in.” Giles looked the girl straight in the eye.

Theresa just nodded.

“Where do we begin?” Theresa changed the subject.

“Right now I teach you to fight. Later on you learn about the forces of evil.” Giles explained.

“You're starting to sound like my brothers girlfriend.” Theresa stated trying to get the guy to perk up.

“Charity.” He said.

“How did you know that?” Theresa was shocked.

“Yeah she is one of the evils in Harmony. She only uses that line to make her less of a suspect.” Giles said.

“She's the witch!!!” Theresa thought about her poor brother.

“No, but she's one of them.” Giles again said in his depressing voice.

Theresa was shocked.

Her brother was going out with a witch.

Not just a witch, but an evil witch.

“Well let's get you working.” Giles said while actually sounding happy for a minute.

Then he started to teach her the basics.

Theresa was waiting for her coffee.

Lord knows she needed it.

In the last three days she had gotten about 12 hours of sleep.

But school was now over with, and so were finals.

Then she spotted Whitney and the gang coming towards her.

“Hey Brad, Steph, Chad, Whit.” Theresa said as her friends sat down. At the booth.

“Hey girl, haven't seen you in a while.” Whitney was first to speak.

“I've been busy.” Theresa smiled as best she could.

“I know with those finals were brudal.” Steph stated.

“Hey they're over.” Chad spoke up.

“So are we going to see you at the party tonight?” Brad looked over at Theresa.

“Expect me there around 11.” Theresa replied.

“Theresa the party starts at 8.” Whitney said.

“I have some stuff to do.” She wasn't about to tell them what.

“Like what?” Brad asked while taking a bite of the cookie infront of him.

Theresa had to think quick.

“Spend time with Luis. When he goes to bed, I go out.” Theresa tried to sound tough.

Her friends obvisouly bought it.

“Sorry girl.” Steph said dismally.

Theresa was the most popular girl in school, and the party wouldn't be a party without her.

Just then the waitress came with Theresa's coffee.

“Well I gotta jet.” Theresa left her friends.

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