Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction

The Chosen One Chapter 7

She awoke to caged surronding.

"Where am I?" Theresa dizzily sat up.

There was no answer.

She looked around.

She was in a steel cage.

Escape was impossible.

Just then a figure appeared from out of the shadows.

"I see you awoke." It spoke.

"W-who are you?" Theresa stuttered.

"It's not really all that important, because you won't be living that long." It laughed at her.

She was silent.

That same chill went down her spine again.

That was it this was a dream.

A nightmare.

A nightmare she was about to wake up from.

The creature was staring.

Theresa pinched herself.

He laughed.

She didn't wake up.

"This is not a dream." he cointuned to mock her.

Now was the time to worry.


Xandar rushed outside after her.

She was in trouble.

It was common sense to know that.

But where was she?

He stood out in the middle of the street carefully watching.


She wasn't here.

But where?

That party she wanted to go to hadn't started.

What party started at 6 PM.

Then a car pulled up beside him.

"Why are you not with her?" a bitter English voice asked.

"She ran out." Xandar replied.

"I'm assuming you don't know where she is." Giles guessed.

"I will very soon." he streched the truth.

"Get in the car." he said as Xandar ran around to the passengers side.

"I can't believe you let her go." Giles mumbled as he got in the car.


"Mama, where is Theresa tonight?" Luis called out as he walked into the kitchen.

"I don't know Luis." Pilar hurried to get dinner ready.

"She has rarely even been home for the past week." he commented.

"Well she's been busy Luis." Pilar settled down.

There was then a knock at the door.

Luis went into the living room.

As he looked through the window, he saw complete strangers.

"Yes." he sounded tough.

"Is Theresa home?" the English man asked.

"Why?" Luis asked.

What did these people have to do with his baby sister.

"She could be in danger." the scrawny one stepped in.

"What danger?" he cointuned to question.

"Danger. Now is she home?" the English guy had a temper.

"No, she isn't." Luis said in a hostile tone.

"Oh dear God." the English man muttered under his breath.

"What? Where is my sister!" Luis demended.

"She has her?" the scrawny one asked the English guy.

"Yes." was all he replied.

"Care to tell me who has Theresa." Luis again demanded.

"I'll get Willow." the scrawny guy headed out to the car.

"Thank you." the English man immeditally went after him.

Luis just slammed the door, and called Sam.

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