Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction

The Chosen One Chapter 8


"What?" Willow drousilsy answered the phone.

"Theresa's been slayer napped." a voice hurridley ingored her.

"Who's Theresa?" she sat up in bed.

"The new slayer." Xandar yelled into the phone.

"She's what!" Willow shot straight up.

"Yes, she is. Meet us at the health center." he hung up the phone.

"X-Xandar?" Willow was left speechless.


"Help!" Theresa screamed out.

"Nobody can hear you." a voice said inside her head.

"Someone will find me." she stubbronally replied back.

"No they won't." the silent snapped at her.

"Yes, they will." she let go of the steel bars.

"Only you can help yourself." it calmly replied.

"How?" she yelled out to the voice inside of her.

"That you must figure out yourself." It was drifting away.

"How?" she asked in a stern voice.

It was too late.

It was gone.


Like everyone else was.

Or eventually would be.


Faith regretted not staying, but it wasn't her call.

A slayer is always alone.

That lesson took her a lifetime to learn.

It wasn't until the last possible moment that knowledge was absorbed.

Hopefully it wouldn't turn out that way for this girl.

She had spunk.

She wasn't a Buffy.

Or a Kendra.

Defintally not her.

She was just in the middle.

She had that right combonation to her.

'I wonder how long that will last?' Faith questioned the thought.


Xandar carefully hid behind the bushes.

From what Giles told him that was Theresa's older brother.

He was a cop.

He never liked cops.

He assumed that Luis was the reason that police cars were all over.

Most likely searching for the lost Theresa.

He prayed they didn't find her.

Those cops would be in for a major shock.

Not to mention they would be defenless.

He snuck over to the next bush.

Hopefully these people would be just as dumb as local Sunnydale residents.

"Xandar get in the car!" Giles yelled at him.

"Ah, I wanted to do something James Bond like this time." he got off the sidewalk and made his way to the health center.



Luis awaited a reply.

"Umm, hello Luis we wern't expecting you." Eve answered the door.

"I need to speak with Whitney." he sternly said.

"Sure, she's getting ready for a party. I'll have her come down in a moment." Eve ushered him to the couch.

"Whitney, get down here now!" Eve screamed upstaris.

"OK Mom." she replied while walking down the steps in her party oufit.

"Luis, what are you doing here?" Whitney questioned.

"Where's Theresa?" he ingored her.

"I thought she was with you." she replied.

"Well she's not, and I just had some stranger come up to my door say Theresa was in major trouble, or kidnapped." he snapped at her.

"Look, I have no clue where Theresa is. She said she wouldn't even show up at the party until 11." Whitney hated this guy.

"Are you sure?" he questioned.

"Postive." Whitney mumbled.

Luis could be very intamadting.

"Call me if you hear from her." he said, and darted out of the house.

"How rude." Eve appeared from the shadows after he left.

Whitney just stood there, speechless.

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