Unknown Passions: Fan Fiction

The Chosen One Chapter 9

Willow pulled ran up to Xandar and Giles.

"Any word?" she asked.

"Shh, don't say anything until we're inside." Giles removed the brick and punched in the code.

"What inside?" Willow was a little curious.

"This inside." the ground moved back.

"Come on." Xandar was the most concerned.

They walked down the staris and headed to the library area.

"What are we up against?" Willow questioned.

"A witch. She goes by the name of Tabitha Lenox." Giles quietly spoke.

"I'll handle her." Willow assured.

"It;s not that easy. She's clever, we'll have to be sneaky." Giles was being himself.

"How is she clever, I've been around this town. The people just don't have common sense." Xandar commented.

"Timmy says scrawny guy is right." a short boy appeared.


The creature carefully eyed the man.

He was perfect.

The one.

With him it would be complete.

He looked down at the dropped wallet.

Ethan Winthrop would be perfect.


"Tim Tim it's all set. Nothing can stop us now." Tabitha turned around with a smile on her face not noticing the missing doll.

"Everythings set." she paused. "Nothing can go wrong." she went on.

Then Tabitha noticed something odd.

There was no Timmy.


Ethan walked down the sidewalk.

Not noticing his wallet was missing.

He then heard a noise from behind.

He stopped.

Only to notice a pair of feet echoing him.

Ethan started to run.

If he knew anything from his time in New York was to run.

Not fight.

But the pace of the footsteps increased when his did.

He suddenly became weary.


But the footsteps from behind sped up.

He had been running for a mile.

How could this thing not slow down.

Then Ethan lost his balance.

Something trampled him.

The next thing he knew...



She had to find a way to bust out of this place.

Too bad she didn't actually have that super strength stuff.

Being one of those 'slayers' would be good right now.

But she wasn't one.

Otherwise she would be able to bust out.

Then she heard the steel, outside door fly open.

They were back.

The creatures.

What was it this time.

This time they were dragging something towards the cage next to her.

It wasn't a something it was a someone.

She had to know who.

Theresa looked at the face, and was in complete, utter shock.

It was Ethan.

He was back.

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